Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Should I leave it there?

Sometimes, we need to learn to keep our mouth shut, our ears and eyes closed, and mebbe close our nose too if we have more hands.

Strange indeed the way we are screaming for help or just a touch of love and compassion from others. I can feel that you are reaching out for me, K. But sorry, I cannot help you just yet, I'm still struggling with my own egos and emotions. Thanks for sharing though, as all my bestfriends do, we all feel the pain. Understand that I choose to be sad and disappointed for someone who once gave me ideas that we could actually make it.

I am well aware that this might happen when I started to open up again and sure as hell happy my good old blog now have more visitors, thanks to you :)

You see K, I'm now releasing you from any obligations you might feel to help me by explaining the things that no longer relevant to me.
Thanks to open up my eyes once more to let by gones be by gones.


Anonymous said...

Gurl, no one will be able to understand your pain, your disappointment and your fear that you might never be able to get over it. perhaps in some strange way, you might never get over it... and it is not a bad thing. I never got over my own "pain", it is hard, especially when those "words" were spoken heart to heart, eye to eye and face to face.

So, rest assured. Your pain is for yours to keep and no one can take that away from you. Whoever said pain was supposed to be something thrown away? Embrace your pain.

I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. It is hard to see that reason now, but I am sure it will surface itself one day.

All that you have to do right now is to ignore the negativity, let your strength pull you through. Everything in life, comes full circle.

Love, Lydia

Unknown said...

Another nice one words, am going back to france.. Yes tess, kalau menurut kamu lebih baik seperti itu. Kamu pernah dengar tentanng 3 monyet yg bijaksana? :)

Saya tidak akan ke blog kamu lagi, karena sepertinya teman-teman kamu tidak bisa menghargai opini orang luar selain diri mereka sendiri.

Jadi yang mereka lakukan hanya memprotes bahasa yang saya pakai atau kenapa saya terkesan ikut campur, padahal saya sebenarnya tidak ikut campur. Hanya memberi empati saja, tidak lebih dari itu agar kamu bisa kembali seperti semula. Seperti saya :) mudah-mudahan kita bisa berteman dengan baik.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to get over your "patah hati" blues sooner and move on to the next phase of your life. People all over the world, incl me, have experiences the lost of loves and many hearts are being broken and dreams shattered every single minute. Most of them (again, incl me) survive while others don't. Don't be in the last group, tell yourself (or chant it) "I will survive" over and over again ... at this moment it's you yourself who matters, not anybody, not even K the drama king :)

About 10 years forward to the present day, when I came across the Facebook accounts of my exes and my ex crushes, I would just giggle and laugh out loud ... even tried to connect with them to see how they are doing, how life is treating them. Strangely enough, they also did the same to me and to everyone ... no hard feelings and no heart broken!

I wish you would be able to do it to yours too. At the end, it's just one of those days in our life! Cheers, Babe

Anonymous said...

A Kayla tout seulement: Quel con que tu as!

* bisous *