Friday, April 20, 2007

Besok Hari KARTINI

Raden Ajeng Kartini


Jepara, Jawa Tengah, tanggal 21 April 1879
Tanggal 17 September 1904, (sewaktu melahirkan putra pertamanya)

E.L.S. (Europese Lagere School), setingkat sekolah dasar


Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat, Bupati Rembang


- Mendirikan sekolah untuk wanita di Jepara
- Mendirikan sekolah untuk wanita di Rembang
Kumpulan surat-surat:
Door Duisternis tot Licht (Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang).


- Gelar Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Nasional
- Hari Kelahirannya tanggal 21 April ditetapkan sebagai hari besar

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some Approaching Tips for Guys

Jadi semalem gw sama satu temen cewek baru aja sampe, udah dapet minuman dan mau duduk di Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf – Gading. Kita ambil duduk yang di pinggir deket kaca gitu dong, biar keliatan orang mo
ndar-mandir di luar. Nah, berhubung gw orangnya suka sibuk sendiri, tiba-tiba temen gw itu bilang, “Eh itu cowok bertiga baru lewat ngeliatin gw mulu, gw senyumin aja,” Ternyata bener sih pas gw liat, mereka sambil naik escalator dan ada salah satunya yang masih ngeliatin temen gw.

So please pay attention to these following points, guys:

> Eye contact

Ada beberapa hal yang gw cukup suka sama pendekatan cowok itu dalam nge-hit temen gw that is he keeps the eye contact. Jadi dari pas dia lewat di depan Coffee Bean sampai beberapa menit sebelum dia dateng ke meja kita, dia tetep bisa kasih positive vibration which cukup membuat temen gw dan gw lumayan excited dan rada ga sabar nunggu dia dateng, pengen tau kata pembuka apa yang dia pake dan apakah dia bisa bawa kita asik.

> The importance of timing

Yang gw sayangkan sedikit adalah waktu yang dia ambil cukup lama in approaching us. Kronologisnya kira-kira habis waktu sekitar 15 menit of eye contacts sampai akhirnya dia ke meja kita sama satu temennya. Yang kurang lagi adalah gaya si cowok dalam mengulur waktunya ini ‘old school’ banget!

Gw jadi inget jaman-jaman SMP gitu *giggling* yang seangkatan gw and sering mejeng di mal gitu pasti tau nih. Inget ga sih, dulu pake gaya-gaya mejeng di pinggir-pinggir di atas lobby mal, sok-sok ngeliatin ke bawah, padahal sambil saling liat-liat ada yang ok ato engga *gw curiga di Blok M Plaza masih begini ya gayanya* dan *secara gw cewek* nunggu di approach, tapi kalo hari gini masih begitu, duuhh ga banget deh…

Cukup dengan nostalgianya, jadi si cowok beserta dua temannya itu tetep ngeliatin temen gw dari atas dengan gaya yang obvious sekali minta diundang ke meja kita. Gw sih saranin ke temen gw buat dadahin aja hehe biar cepet datengnya. Akhirnya gw sampe sempet ke WC dulu dan ketika gw balik, baru si cowok dari atas kasih gestures *gerakan-gerakan ke temen gw* kalo dia boleh ga join dan mau minta no hp *ah, daritadi kek!* Lama kan datengnya? Jadi, saran gw, kalo kalian udah beberapa kali made good eye contacts, paling banyak tiga kali deh, tunggu apalagi, langsung aja samperin!

> First Impression

Yep, seperti yang kalian tau, cewek dari beberapa detik pertama kalian samperin udah bisa ngerasain vibe yang kalian bawa, terlebih lagi setelah denger opener kalian. Satu hal lain, percayalah ternyata penggunaan opener yang seru bisa jadi menjadi salah satu faktor penentu seru ato engga-nya obrolan selanjutnya. Si cowok ini sih dateng dengan cukup pede makanya gw sangat appreciate keberaniannya buat nyamperin kita, tuh dia aja berani guys, yang penting maju aja dulu.

Setelah menunggu dalam excitement selama 15 menit, gw menanti-nanti dong kira-kira dia pake gaya apa, oh well, masih dengan same old one di mana dia sama satu temennya dateng, ambil tempat duduk dan langsung salaman kenalan nama. Abis itu ya ngobrol basa-basi seperti biasa, lagi ngapain berdua, tinggal di mana, kerja di mana dan temen gw respon ramah dan sewajarnya, sementara gw unfortunately, lagi jadi yang di isolate alias didiemin *baguuusss*

> We like games!

Basically, gw ga masalah kalo ada yang nge-hit dan sekedar ajak-ajak ngobrol as long as obrolannya asik dan ga basi. Yang dilakukan cowok ini sih lumayan, tapi seandainya instead of nyeritain dia kuliah di mana dan memuji betapa kalo nama temen gw itu manis kaya orangnya *iuuhh*, dia bisa sedikit certain tentang dirinya pake gaya yang seru dan bikin deg-deg-an gitu pasti lebih asik, hit nya juga bisa jadi lebih panjang dan berkesan daarrr.

> Pertanyaannya adalah…

Gw sempet agak-agak curiga sih, secara melihat dari gayanya mereka emang keliatan masih lebih brondong dibanding gw sama temen gw yang pake baju kerja dan langsung dari kantor, apa mereka ini gigolo-gigolo gitu yang lagi nyari tante girang ahahahaha. Becanda guys, well we take it as a compliment sih, ternyata brondong masih suka juga sama Tante Candy dan Tante Tessa :D

So guys, itulah beberapa points yang menurut gw berperan bikin hit jadi asik. Akhirnya si cowok itu cuma sekitar 5 menit ajak kita ngobrol, minta no hp, terus cabut deh. Tapi tenang… gw berhasil minta dia foto sama temen gw, inilah…

Sunday, April 15, 2007

cool, eh?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

(to happiness)

So my dear Drama Queens, now that we all have a higher consciousness on how media has been over exposing romance and somehow successful in shaping our set of mind, speaking of happiness can be a little tricky don’t you think?

As been informed by the movie of US’ Declaration of Independence, I quote “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
History is really not my interest but I must say this is one of the most humane declarations I’ve ever known.

Women are such a wonderful yet full of complications creature. It’s indeed a blessing and big responsibility to become the person who could give birth to a child, let alone having ourselves as the weakest target of stereotyping set by society and media over-exposure. So, instead of surrendering ourselves to always be considered as second class, it is important for us to totally have full consciousness to the going on in the world. Please don’t ever let anyone else beside yourself to determine who you are, we must take good grip of the center of ourselves to keep pursuing our right of happiness as round character women.

I really appreciate how Jefferson had so cunningly view happiness as a right one must pursuit; that in an more elaborate way I suppose he was saying no one can ever be sure if true happiness is real or is it just some idea we have that one day we might be able to experience true happiness and know how it actually feels while at the same time can share it with the ones we cherished most.

But gurl, if you are looking for the meaning of happiness here, trust me, you’re wasting your time, as this writing here will only give you ways of getting there but most definitely the true meaning of happiness lies within us.

The question is, are we willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means we’ll need to deconstruct whatever values or customs being indoctrinated since we were born, even if it means we’ll need to overcome the meanest beast sleeping in every one of us – our insecurities – this is going to be a harsh ride. Surely it won’t get you nowhere if you just sit around reading without getting your lazy ass to work it!

I’m sure each of us pretty much understands (or if you haven’t then I pity you girl for being so self-absorbed) when a guy acting (too) nice like giving you flowers or surprise gifts out of nowhere, he might like you but he definitely wants something from you. Nothing’s for free!

Do you really think any guy who is willing to spend his time picking you up each day from work, then taking you to the mall for a haircut, taking your sick pet to the veterinarian after delivering your Mom’s cooking to your Aunt’s place expects nothing in return? What were you thinking? Girl, you better check your sanity meter and return to me after you got the right mind, okay?

To those of us who still can’t figure out why your last boyfriend dumped you after he fucked you up big time, hello… welcome to the world. Here’s the deal, boys will be boys, and they will always be mean as we will always bitching to whatever.

For example, when a guy wants to have an unprotected sex, whatever he said, he’s in love with you or some other sh*t, unless you guys already in a real committed relationship, don’t believe him! He’s an asshole and you’ve every right to protect yourself.

Please do realize that we too often abusing our power. Men usually abuse their power on us physically while our form of abuse to them is mentally. Frankly I don’t know which one’s worst from the other; let’s just admit it that we are all one of a kind.

And now, if you still think that you can take advantage of a guy’s kindness by asking him to drive you wherever you wanted to go and that you can dump him whenever you wanted, if that is the case I hope and thank the guy for dumping you and for you, maybe you do deserve to be fucked up for being such a selfish biatch!

In case you’re still refusing to understand what I’m talking about, let me give you just a simple example. Let say you were born from a wealthy family and happen to grow up to be good looking, or perhaps you’re not that good looking but you’ve perfect body with good career and a big income, I bet it’s natural for you to feel superior. Not just towards people poorer or uglier than you, but in the matter of fact; you somehow enjoy bitching to everyone.

Another case, a colleague or a friend come asking for a favor and you somehow are in a bad mood and you think you’ve got a lot more important things to do, so you think you can give them the ‘attitude’, sista? Come on, you’re not the only living creature in this world who has the biggest problems, keep in mind that it is not always about you! You’re not that popular, you’re not that pretty, and you’re definitely not that important!

You know, one of the most wonderful parts of happiness is to be able to share it. Thus instead of drowning ourselves in our own miserable hell, I think we need to have the courage of sharing ourselves first to others in order to in the end receive the positive energy back from people surrounding us. The rule is simple, try to share a smile or two or more to the people we meet each morning, try to lend a hand to person sitting next to us after we’ve finished our tasks, try to be more open and bring down our guards and uptightness. Just simple and genuine gestures, try them and tell me the result!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nagabonar Jadi 2
Guys... Nagabonar Jadi 2 is definitely a must see movie!

Rasanya gw ga perlu kasih sinopsisnya ya, bisa dicari toh di review-review lain.

But I bet my ass Nagabonar jadi 2 is going to be movie of the year. Marvelous acting and directing!

Selain dari penyampaian ceritanya yang menampilkan nostalgia si Nagabonar tentang masa lalu, patriotismenya yang kental, witty critiques
, dan Jakarta sebagai melting pot Indonesia, dijamin pasti bakal ngakak-ngakak terus deh ga berhenti. Gilanya lucunya itu most of the time cukup dari ngeliat mimik Deddy Mizwar sama Tora Sudiro aja yang komikal abis. Banyak juga penampilan-penampilan sekilas sekaligus hilariously funny; contohnya Jaja Miharja sama Indra Birowo.

Favorite lines:
"Apa kata dunia?!"
"Sudah kubilang janganlah kau pergi berperang, Bujang, matilah sekarang kau dimakan cacing..."
"Aku lapar..."