Monday, March 09, 2009

Butterflies and Flowers

Okay, so am currently in love with Adele's songs, this is my favorite, but it's honestly hard watching this video deciding which i like best. The guitarist, not much to say, I know am not the only gurl who can't keep my eyes of off him hehehe... super cute cute cute

but the real heart breaking song is surely this...
beautifully composed!

Couldn't help to feel a bit reluctant to go back to Karawaci after spending few days with mom back home in Jakarta. How I miss her. It was so strangely comfortable to spend time in her cramped bed room yet I slept like a baby, had to drag myself out of bed. I haven't felt as safe and comfortable these past months. I know, sucha lammer, how could a grown up depends so much on others, but I guess it should be alright to be that way once in awhile, especially with your mom...

Went all quiet on the taxi and was totally getting emotional saying gudbyes to her hehe, partly mebbe because I'd like to take some more time off but mostly because we had a good time talking, shopping and eating and watching some sinetrons she liked. And most of all, I was all relieved after telling her that we'd broken up sometime ago. Of course I haven't got the guts to tell what's actually happened, wonder would she react differently if I told her that Pete broken up with me instead the other way around.

Should you wonder how she reacted, she was surprisingly very calm when I told her that Pete wasn't ready to get married in the next few years while am getting into my thirties soon, and that he's found it hard to find a steady job how will we survive, so I saw no reasons why we should continue a relationship that's going no where. Actually those are kinda weak reasoning but I suppose for parents, they are the essentials, who knows, who cares, ladida.

People changed AJ said, I guess it isn't something new. Perhaps mom has changed. I changed. Pete changed. The world's keep changing. Pete cheated on me. I loose some weight. And so it goes...


Unknown said...

Peter doesnt cheated on you, they know each other like 5 years.

If they get an affair when he was with you of coz they already get married.

FYI this girl were engage with someone when pete was in a relationship with you. She`s something, not only pretty but smart enough to become a heiress.

When you really love someone, you should pray for his happiness not act like this and yeah.. Pete really happy with his relationship now.

I know I dont have any rights to judge you (of coz not!), people can easily get hurt when they dealing with love. Take it as your experience

Just move on with your life. By the way being a stalker and viewing her FB & FS so pointless and makes you look more desperate ;) no offence but that pure opinion from my point of view as a outsider.

ps: i know my english suxx, but i dont care as long you get my point.

Anonymous said...

firstly, your English is really terrible. so obviously you are unaware of the meaning of "cheating" or "affair".

secondly, the meaning of "PRETTY" and "SMART" are also two other words you need to check in the dictionary.

thirdly, keep your ignorant opinion to yourself. no one really gets YOUR POINT because you are pointing it up your own ass-- where obviously, the sun rarely shines there because it is so darn dark.

have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

a very emotional flaming.

i wonder why?
what are you getting from this? have you been in her shoes?

err yea, by the way

it's very (VERY) pathetic for you to stalk someone's blog that have nothing to do with you, and give such suggestion (that desperate FB/FS thing). i think you need to learn some self-reflection :D

or maybe you just want to learn some English writing by flaming others?

you know, i am :P

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yeah yeah like i said before my engish suxx, bcoz i used to talk in france. Awrite i gonna write in bahasa then..

Buat Anonymous and AJ mungkin kalian mau mengajarkan saya cara menulis dengan bahasa inggris yg benar? Ini hanya tulisan opini pribadi saya di blog biasa saja, saya bukan menulis proposal kerja in english. :)

Saya kenal baik dengan perempuan ini, dia memang orang yang sangat baik dan begitu saya tahu tentang Peter.

Saya yakin kalau Peter bukan tipe orang yang suka selingkuh. Ini berdasarkan opini dan cerita dari perempuan yang menjadi partner Peter sekarang.

Saya tahu baik Tessa maupun kalian semua entah Anonymous yang tanpa nama maupun kamu AJ tidak membutuhkan klarifikasi apapun dari saya sebagai orang yang mengenal perempuan ini, tapi apa kalian pernah memikirkan perasaan bersalah yang ada di dalam Peter atau perempuan yang menjadi partner Peter sekarang?

Karena sesungguhnya mereka tidak pernah berniat untuk menyakiti Tessa, kalau kalian berdua (Anonymous & AJ) benar-benar teman Tessa tolong jangan hanya bisa memberikan kritik untuk tulisan saya saja, tolong kritik ketika Tessa sedih dan mellow seperti yang ada di tulisan ini.

Saya memang bukan penulis dengan bahasa inggris yang bagus, dan tolong baca bagian ps :) kenapa kita harus berdebat mengenai bahasa?

Anonymous said...

Kayla...Maybe you should chat with Tessa to clarify everything than just flaming her blog... There is always two sides of a story you know.

Peter does not have to cheat on Tessa to make her FELT cheated..... Tessa has every right to write in her blog that she feels cheated when Pete is with someone else immediately after they broke up. That is what she felt. On the other hand, Pete may think that he did not do anything wrong since they had broken up, and he also has every right to write this in his blog...

I'm not trying to defend anyone here coz Tess and Pete are my friends... It'll be great if Tessa and Pete can once again be friends although they are no longer partners.

The problem is, in my opinion, you make things even worse here....pretending that you know everything while you are not....

Who are you anyway???? I just don't get you.. If it is Pete/his partner who comments, I can understand.. But you??? Come on... I believe you are smarter than that....

About FB and FS.... what's wrong with that??? It's a public website... Is it a sin to view my ex's partner's FB/FS??? It's not like I'm defaming her/him, rite? Tessa didn't flame on your friend's FB & FS even once -not like one of the friends of your smart and pretty friend. Come on, girl, grow up...

Anonymous said...

kayla kayla kayla

first of all forgive me to bring up the insignificant english issue,
and please forgive me again for now i'm gonna bring it up again (the last time, i promise)

please read my post carefully,
or maybe i should write in bahasa since i think you have trouble to read between the lines..

gw lagi gak bahas soal romans, or bahkan menuduh pete, cia or tessa...

gw lagi bahas elo,

1. yg nuduh orang jadi despo ngliatin fesbuk or fb,
padahal elo sendiri baca2in blog orang dan ikut campur, kontradiksi. itu kalo dalam kamus gw.. disebut munafik :)

2. yg gak punya kemampuan berempati dengan tessa yg sedang dalam fase healing, dan ngelukain dia dengan ngomentarin gak jelas dengan membela pete en cia. diam itu emas, kata temen gw.

i have no judgement, business or even hatred with cia and pete, i step in to this stupid conv because tessa is my friend and she's being violated by you.

i know pete (a bit), he's a great person, and i dont need you to explain him to me, since i'm not judging him. and i'd love to know him more by myself.

and by judging (now i'm judging) the way you act, i think you are not qualified to tell me how to comfort tessa.

so let me do the contrary,
i am telling you now..

the three of them hurts!
it's the way people learn and grow, by making mistakes and keep moving on, trying hard to cope with their own guilt and pain. and so far,(in my opinion) they are doing OK.

no one inflict any physical or psychological terror to each other.

i believe basically you are a good person, so.. please stop interfering and simply be a good friend by being there for pete and cia.

Unknown said...


Saya memang bukan peter atau partner peter, disini saya hanya merasa mempunyai posisi yang sama seperti tessa. Salahkah bila saya menaruh empati kepada orang lain?

Jujur saja ray saya tidak menyangka akan mendapat respon yang seperti ini, saya menaruh komentar dengan sopan tapi kenapa kamu marah? Kalau saya membuat kamu dan teman-teman kamu marah, im sorry.

Silakan saja kalau kamu menilai saya munafik, yang saya lakukan disini hanya mencoba melindungi cia sebagai seorang teman dan saudara.

Saya tidak ingin kita meributkan hal yang tidak perlu, saya tahu betapa beratnya memberi pengertian kepada orang lain, seperti yang sudah saya beritahu di komentar lain saya hanya ingin menaruh empati kepada tessa.

Tidak lebih dari itu, dan saya tidak ingin cia mengetahui kalau saya melakukan hal ini. Mungkin saya boleh di bilang masih berharap kepada cia, dan ingin kembali suatu saat nanti tapi tolong jangan menilai saya berdasarkan apa yang ada sekarang.

Anonymous said...

kalo elo emang ber-empati.. 2 thumbs up for you bro. tapi dengan memberikan hardfact kepada orang yg di-dump jika pasangan barunya cantik pinter dan heiress, gw sulit untuk mengerti dimana bentuk empati lu. but points taken, you showing empathy in your way.

gw gak liat alesan kenapa cia mesti dilindungi. at least dari tessa. apa elo menemukan kalo si tess lagi ngasah piso dapur setiap hari?
trus gimana caranya elo berempati dengan tessa dengan melindungi cia. you do have a very unique way, i presume.

buat orang yg ngelakuin bisnis di eropa.. gw expect elo harusnya cukup smart buat gak kasi komen disini kalo gak pengen ketahuan cia. elo bisa kontek tess lewat YM or HP. pete itu punya cult of followers yg gw yakin sering maen ke sini. cumen masalah waktu sebelon hal ini nyampe ke kuping cia.

again, your identity is not my business or out of my interest.
i just love being in a flame war (maapkan sayah tess, this is my true intention :P).

except elo lagi butuh sistem ERP buat company lu ato mo bikin website (halah iklan).
drop me a line yah :D

wassalam :)

Anonymous said...

We're all have been hurt before..
We all know the pain, and if we're being truthful enough to ourselves, we know how deeply it affects us..

Sayangnya, seringkali kita ngga tahu cara yang tepat untuk mengekspresikan hal itu, dan lebih dari itu ngga sadar ketika kita menyinggung/melukai orang lain karenanya..

Seperti ketika K bermaksud berempati pada Tessa, tetapi his own deep longing entah terhadap memori hubungannya dahulu atau kekagumannya pada C, malah jadi bumerang yang mengacaukan niat baiknya sendiri (kalau memang itu secara jujur datang dari hati yang tulus, ikhlas, dan sungguh2 merelakan)..

We hurt each other even more, argue even more.. defend, offend, fight even more..

I believe we're all good people, but too often we're lost in knowing ourselves, n even worse, lost in expressing who we really are..

May love and peace be restored in this place.. Let us allow ourselves to RECEIVE the healing power that is continously working in every broken part of each of us..

May each of our relationship be blessed with love, joy, and happiness..


Anonymous said...


Kay, gw juga mau minta maaf sama elo karena kurang bisa mengerti cara empati elo yang unik dan kontradiktif. Mungkin karena itu temen2 Tessa agak panas karena komentar elo itu sedikit banyak menyinggung perasaan Tessa (seperti yg dia curhat ke gw di luar blog ini - which made us involved in this).

So let me take the positive perspective.... you are care for Tessa, that's all that matter.

If that's so, I believe you are more than welcomed here....

Have a safe trip to Europe then.