Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Butterfly, What?

Some people may have different opinions or feelings towards butterflies and what they represent. Just as Morisot's Butterfly Hunt, some may think of them as nice, but some even have phobia of butterflies. Do share about anything you'd like to say about butterfly, especially on what do you think it represents....


TG said...

Hmm, butterflies are..

Softy, yet persistent.
Merry-go-round, yet focused.
Light, yet toughtful.
Unbound, yet picky.

Reminds me of someone. :)

Anonymous said...

butterflies and tess have this resemblence,i can feel butterflies would be surely wandering around you when you are in a garden or a nice public place where butterflies have to dwell,yes they are where nature has romance at its highest point.like nature resembles its romance and one of its replicas is a butterfly.its wonderfull colours attract a person ,it is from the insect kingdom but no more anybody calls it a insect cos they know it for its softness.yes butterflies are attracted to flowers not just cos they are colourfull but for the purpose that they contain nectar.yes nectar is what a butterfly consumes from flowers and flowers rejoice with it for germination cos one fine day a butterfly will be responsible for yet another wonderfull flower tree to provide nectar cos it will ofcourse leave seeds from its feet and one more plant to grow. there are some cruel people who love butterflies but their cruelity makes them kill them but these butterflies even after death are a martyr a show piece even for the most cunning people it goes into their showcases.yes the butterfly is not dead even after it is killed.they are alive though they are dead.i can say some thing finally that people want to do things with you what ur destiny is some want to beat you,some want to harress or trouble you for no reason.yes and ofcourse if u are a wonderfull being there is no way it can melt the hardest of personalities this is a butterfly who resembles a butterfly.so soft but so strong to melt anyone one to be loved to leave ur heart astounding.you want butterflies to be around you , and wonderfull being who finds a place on any place of ur body and you dont want it to go away,yes this is a butterfly who is loved by the worst and the best.and for a loving person who choses this topic resembles you want to be free ,to fly away and have nectar be with the most beautifull things in nature all the greenary in life and freedom at its hightest point.