Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ah cerita-cerita ah...

Today am feeling like sharing another episode of our love story.

We are living in a such a fucked up world, don't you think? Or hasn't it just been the same, only the people who're getting crazier? I'm not sure...

Just think of the UN's Climate Change Conference in Bali, at one side the agenda is to achieve better results in exchange of the the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. On the other side, Indonesian Government is screaming for more allocation of funds (or incentives or whatever) on our poverty issues, which could be good and worthwhile for the people if everyone could have a good attitude and commitment towards it.
However, what good will it bring if most of the freaking money goes to the authority pockets? I kinda only have a little faith that this agenda would bring any real effect for Indonesia other than just false hopes, let alone the whole climate change issues.

Having such a skeptical attitude towards my country's system is just a start.

And then more on relationship issues, how human beings, including myself, choose to believe regarding romance.

Lately I tend to believe that there's no such thing as "love conquers all" bullshit hehehe. Like, come on seriously guys, you still believe on that crap?

What does it take then for a relationship to last?
I'm completely, positively certain that love alone won't be enough.
And money, compatibility, equality, respecting each other, open-mindedness, endurance, persistence, a good teamwork, negotiation, even kids still aren't the strongest reasons for a partnership to last.

So our friends (like any of us) are having issues in their relationships. Funny how each deals with problems. So scary ha to know that your partner can hit, swear or throw things at you in at manic state.

And then there's the story of Braindamage's brother , which is just madness ha, I wish I've taken the blue pill and bathed in ignorance, instead of knowing too much and now where do we go from here? Hehehe.

Again, what does it take then for a relationship to last?
Pete calls the X factor as a miracle.
While I believe no matter how hard you tried to work on even to push a relationship to last, when you guys aren't meant to be, then you're just not.
How do you say 'jodoh' in English anyway? Kalo ga jodoh ya bisa apa?

For what it's worth though, I think I'm quite lucky to have Pete, yes?
Now this is the part where I kinda let loose and put aside too many intellectuality and let the gossip begins :D

He has such a fatherly love, warmth and protection, very sophisticated, sexy, attractive, yada yada yada and bla bla bla.

Then what does a climate change conference has to do with my romance gossips? Nothing! LOL.

I would just be so lucky to be with Pete to the end.
*mampus hidup ngarep deh, tess* muahahaha

Song lyrics | I Should Be So Lucky lyrics

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