Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Better Understanding on Women and Men

I’ve this colleague whom I shared cubicle with at the office told me on how he’s just got back from Bali and met some ‘new gal pals’ there. And so he was telling me how he liked to have fun by going out with a lot of chicks, despite the fact that he has a steady girlfriend already. I asked him what the fuck were guys thinking that even when they already on a steady relationship yet they’d love the thought of having someone else just for the sake of having fun.

I suppose well it’s not only guys that are being that way, probably girls like to be flirtatious too once in a while. Perhaps I should try it myself, eh? That should be fun.

And so I browsed through the internet to find what recent researches have found. As an old fashioned (or should I say I’ve been living too long in a male dominated environment) thinker I have to say that I’m quite amused with the fact that nowadays women are also as much of a cheater as guys. At first I thought men should have more tendencies to fool around while women are more monogamous, guess that’s far from the latest trend then.

I like what Wheaton said on his article Who Cheats More: Men or Women so neutral! lol.

Check out the survey from The Sun UK WOMEN are far more unfaithful than men, a survey reveals.

Forty per cent of females cheat on lovers, compared with 34 per cent of males.”

How about this article Why Women Cheat that breaks down some reasons why women cheat.

If I were to cheat then the reason most likely will be I’m still looking for my “Sugar Daddy” – a man of higher power and wealth :D uuhh yess… gimme that bling honey! LOL

Anyway, on the other side I believe (unless the person is just plain stupid or retarded) he/she should consciously aware that there would be a risk of getting burned by his/her own game.

It’s not a good thing at all or like winning the person over the other by becoming the ‘other guy or woman.’ Just like one of Oprah’s shows in which it explored on ‘the other guy or woman’ in a marriage issue; Dr. Robin Smith stated that it is actually an insult for someone to make you his/her ‘other guy or woman.’ They may say they love you and treat you well yet still he/she’s making you the x object that he/she is actually missing on the relationship that they’re too childish or running away from their responsibility of coping with daily life problems.

Oh well, but who am I to write as an expert eh?

Moving on people, I must say that based on experience, simple talks with Pete, reading materials, aren’t women just much much complicated than men.
I was just talking the other day with braindamage on how he imagined to had sex to his cousin and I was on the-eewwww-what-the-hell-were-you-thinking-you-sick-I-don’t

-understand-guys’-kinky-sexual-desire mood.
Even to cheat women more likely to do it based on emotional reasons. While we are still struggling with insecurities and often wondering “do you like my tits?” men…. they’re just simply following wherever their peckers lead LOL! So simple and unfair!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting indeed..

Lom sempet baca semua artikel2nya, but quote ini menarik:

"To be honest, cheating is for kids who haven’t grown up."