Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Haiyah... having a relationship is so hard to maintain *aarrrgghh*
I've tried my best to understand my partner and bare his downers but sometimes it is just so damn hard to do *guling2, mencak2, robek2 kertas kerjaan, lempar gelas kopi, acak2 rambut - aarrrggghh..*

Can I just have a break from all of this and stop trying too hard to comprehend everything?

Can I?


foeh said...

hihihi... tenang tess..
you are with one of the self proclaimed PUA>. hehe..
everything gonna be ok wolopun kayak roller coaster..
siapin aja ember kalo muall..

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.