Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Want List

I want to :

- be a manager
- move to US/OZ/UK/Canada
- have a car

- have a house
- have a long vacation to Europe

- have a vacation in Bali
settle my credit card debts
- eat gummies as much as I can without getting fat or tooth ache :D
- get married someday

Oh and I forgot to mention:

- I want to buy a notebook

- Would love to loose some more weight as well

- I want to move to a new job

Updated on October 31st 2008:

- Loosing some weight, currently 78 kg :D not bad
- Moved to a new company, building a new career as Investor Relations
*but also still looking for any available manager position*
- Had some good chunks of gummies from Ina's last trip to Europe, thanks and yummmssss!

Until next update - so long :D


Anonymous said...

gara2 gummy bear tessa, sekarang jd ikutan ketagian terus neh...

tiap malem ngunyah yuppie sapi strawberry.... hiikzz...

tess said...

oooh yessss....
may the gummy be with you!