Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Oleh-oleh dari Bali

Ay-ay Captain, let me take you round Bali!

'Tis crucial Sir, that before you begin enjoying this beautiful island to pay some respect at
Ground Zero, it's the monument remembering victims of poppies 1.

Of course a stroll at the beach before shopping.

And head back to the beach again for the sunset (with shopping bags on hands.)

Some pictures of you in front of the Hard Rock Hotel is a must :P

Oh well, remember to always smile even if it is not a real holiday since it is on company's account and you have to work with a tipsy photographer.

Bigger smiles if the author is lovely and undemanding.

Finally, enjoy a good sunset walk at the beach!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wuaaaahhh... poto-potonya keren loh.
siapa tuh nyang motoin... jago yach..

huahahahahaha =))