Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday, Pete!
People, I'm gonna make this a short one.
Take a good look at this lovely banana cake, I made it specially for Pete. I cannot cook, let alone bake any cake but I know that he would love me to make one. That day on the taxi I knew everything just went too well. And you know what... I dropped the cake just right in front of his house getting off the cab! What a bumma! Then instead of wishing him happy birthday, I spent like half an hour sobbing for my ruined banana cake hiks hiks.... *taking a moment of silence*

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Random Thoughts

Being A Super Girlfriend
Lupa kapan, tapi udah nonton "My Super X-Gilfriend." Lucu, ringan, and entertaining. Totally relate gw sama si Uma Thurman he he. Biasalah cewe agak-agak suka psycho aneh gitu nangkep perlakuan partnernya, sama penyakit-penyakit insecure and needy. Pengen sekali-kali ga jaim and ngeluarin act aneh gitu kaya die, cuma nanti kaga ada yang naksir gw lagi ato bisa ditinggal Pete *LOL*

Trus, seperti layaknya orang normal lainnya, gw punya dong mimpi-mimpi ideal of how I'd like my partner to be :) Yes darling, ternyata itu cuma mimpi! *cium Pete - I love you still*

Well, kudu banyak kompromi trus komunikasi, oh ya sama mau ngerti and ngalah. Itu idealnya lho, but sometimes ya ga segampang itu.
Trying to be a super girlfriend yang loving, pengertian, cater, smart, funny, independent, bisa masak - haiyaahhh and the list goes on... susaaahhh.

Same thing sih seperti gw juga punya mimpi-mimpi tertentu yang gw pengin Pete bisa penuhin but die ga bisa.

So, what do we do?

My Jealousy
Emang susah ya jadi partnernya Pete, kudu berbagi sama banyak orang =)
Belum lagi kalo gw lagi aneh dicuekin pula, makin dikit deh waktu barengnya he he. Belum lagi cewe-cewe yang dijadiin percobaannya, belum lagi cewe-cewe yang mencobai Pete juga huhuhu ribet amat.

Me Want Hamster!
Been thinking to have some hamsters as pet for a while now.

They're so cute and careless! Wish I could be like them somehow.
Mo tidur tumpuk-tumpukan sama temen-temen, garuk-garuk seenaknya, lari-lari bolak balik tanpa tujuan, gali-gali bawah kandang nyari apaan ga jelas - and people still think of them as cute, not as cuckoo.

Tapi trus tiba-tiba mimpi gw itu dipatahkan oleh Ryan.
Kata die kalo gw jadi hamster bayangkan betapa gedenya kandang yang kudu dibikin *lol* ga sopraannnn...

Nah dari situ trus gw jadi mikir, hmmmmm... despite that they could act as cute and careless as they can be, tapi tetep hamster tuh dikandangin ya bo...
Mana enak freedom elo diambil, emang sih makan, minum, sama well-being elo ditanggung pemilik cuma kalo tiba-tiba pengen jalan-jalan ke mall gimana? he he

Though, jadi manusia juga gw ga sepenuhnya entitled with my freewill sih, cuma yah ternyata lumayan juga gw ga harus hidup dalem kandang *beneran*

Cuma asli, mo miara hamster aja mikir gw.
Komitmennya itu lho, gampangan miara Pete. Kalo lagi ga sempet ngurusin kan at least die kalo laper bisa cari makan sendiri, mandi sendiri. Kalo hamster pegimana dong...
Nanti die sakit ato mati lagi kalo gw lagi ga sempet ato dah bosen maenin huhuhu... nanti aku sedih makhluk-makhluk imut itu wafat...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thinking ‘bout forever

I believe in Archibald MacLeish when he talked about

the “late, last wisdom of the afternoon” that:

“Love, like light, grows dearer towards the dark.”

Last Saturday, hung with two of my best-est friends since junior high – Dyan and Heny, it had been a while since we could go out together since one of us went to Beijing for school, occupied with work, and all.

Anyhow, while we were catching up stories, turned out that marriage issues inevitably appeared *well, as if you don’t know how girls like when they’re together, lol*

Heny seemed to be preparing to buy a house with her boyfriend in installments. *think they are preparing to get married in the next two years*

While Dyan on the other hand, was still single and aware that despite of her loneliness, she had been struggling with her own specified criteria of a perfect boyfriend in which I personally think: *girl, there’s no such thing as perfect boyfriend!* wake up, Hun!!

You just gotta take what live has to offer.

When I told them bout the wedding preparation course for couples which started every six months, Heny was quite excited before Dyan informed that one of her friends had doubted her decision to get married and her relationship with the boyfriend during the course *that would be fun to find out, wouldn’t it, Pete? *winks*

You know, sometimes the things happened in your life seem to connect with one another in a very bizarre way. Like the last few days, was it just me who kept thinking bout forever or somehow, just somehow, life had guided me to this phase *hmmm… I’m getting the sense that this is just my make believe, lol*

I lost my birth certificate and the thought that I have to go through all the red tape procedure is killing me :D

Not to mention the money that I would have to spend for smoothing the whole process.

Now, how in the world can I get married without a birth certificate *and a groom*? LOL

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a quick update

*feeling a bit excited waiting for my article to be published* =)

It's late afternoon after office hour and I'm still behind my computer,
not likely going home yet.

Just dropping by to write these valuable insights:

1. I shall not let people mess with my emotion
2. Aware that I also have weaknesses that people had to put up with

Been wanting to start writing another article but nothing pops up in mind yet.
So, later...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Haiyah... having a relationship is so hard to maintain *aarrrgghh*
I've tried my best to understand my partner and bare his downers but sometimes it is just so damn hard to do *guling2, mencak2, robek2 kertas kerjaan, lempar gelas kopi, acak2 rambut - aarrrggghh..*

Can I just have a break from all of this and stop trying too hard to comprehend everything?

Can I?

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hayo bener ga cewe itu jago multitasking?

Ini diriku nulis blog sambil edit teks produk info,
sambil buat speech buat grand opening, sambil sesekali angkat telpon lagi atur tiket, sambing chat YM, sambil nyanyi "The Scientist" nya Coldplay, sambil... *halah, kebelet pipis dulu sebentar*

Kemarin parah, lagi down banget gitu, masih cape plus kurang istirahat dari Senin launching sampe jam11 malem. Apalagi denger nanti malem sampe Sabtu kudu tugas pula ke Bali. Yang membahagiakan cuma tau launching kemaren sukses abisss, yang dateng 100org lebih, sales buku malem itu 14juta bo, gilaa..

Pertamanya ga excited pergi, malah kemaren nangis-nangis *duh belakangan ini nangis-nangis mulu stres kerja* tapi ternyata udah mau berangkat gini excited juga he he.

Norak, norak deh... namanya belom pernah ke Bali, sekalinya dibayarin ke sana ternyata kudu sambil kerja.
Haiyah... complaining mulu emang kerjaannya.

Trus belakangan ini kan emosinya labil, tadi bahas sama Peter dari mana asalnya stres gw.

Basically sih kerjaan ini emang gw suka banget, but perhaps lately aja lagi worned out. Jadinya pas Peter bilang terkadang ada orang yang kalo kerja berusaha tampil heroic - biasanya pemula - penuh idealisme - berusaha buat pembaharuan and all; ternyata at the end of the day sia-sia - malah jatohnya kita jadi 'babu' gitu - jadi mikir gw...

Moso seh?

Padahal gw kerja sebaik mungkin karena emang pengin terlihat excel, kalo ga gimana bisa keliatan beda, gimana gw bisa dapet kepercayaan yang lebih lagi?

But then again, I said to him that gw lakuin ini for the sake of dapetin jabatan yang lebih tinggi, duit yang lebih gede *hey, what a girl to do hari gini gitu lho...* which by now gw baru sadar kalo ternyata idealisme gw dah menyimpang.

Bo, udah jadi komersil gitu gw... jadi robot dunia materialisme *brengsek*

Makanya, ini lagi update lagi filosofi dalam bekerja which apa ya... lol
hmmm... ya pokoknya kerja yang bener tapi bukan duit orientasinya tapi personal satisfaction, nah lho, personal satisfaction itu sendiri apa ya? he he cape deh...

All I know is that harusnya sih sekarang gw berada di the right track for my career. Jangan jadi babu ya, baiklah... diusahakan...


Friday, May 12, 2006

FUNNY quotes! (he he he)


Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy


A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to
understand her at all.



Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot
more willing to die.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and
cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just a few days back on our way to a friend’s wedding, Peter and I somehow ended up talking about post-modernism which was awesome.

You know the thing I like most being with Peter was that though he’s not always a smart ass but think he’s good enough =)

I mean, I’m the kinda person who thinks a lot and needs a partner whom I can share my thoughts with. Even better, hopefully my partner could lead me to some enlightenment. *oh, enough bout myself, lol*

Anyhow, we talked about actually there were many people shared the same experience as we did in terms of spirituality these days. About how sometimes we felt very, very lonely, believing that we were the only ones who viewed spirituality as one’s state of being, something that already and will always be within us. And that spirituality was much more than just an institution but more to the passion of reaching others compassionately.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My question of the day

* Is it true that we hurt the one we love?

Mau protes seprotes-protesnya sama diri gw sendiri, payah banget, di saat keadaan seharusnya biasa-biasa aja tapi malah dibuat complicated. Dan saat keadaan sebenernya ada yang salah, justru gw bawa santai aja.
Weh weh, kebolak semua =)

Misalnya nih...
gw tau harusnya cinta itu ga complicated, cinta itu justru harusnya sederhana.
Justru yang complicated itu adalah life dan ini pun tergantung pilihan sikap yang gw ambil, mau anggep hidup itu as a journey atau sesuatu pertanyaan besar yang selalu harus ada jawabannya. See what I mean?

Then, another question occurs:

* What actually am I looking for?

Shut! I'm puzzled...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

It’s one of those days

Yesterday was one of the days when I went a little psychotic; it was my first day of period. I think I'd reached my most psychotic point ever, felt really, really insecure. Mikir hal-hal ga penting, insecure sama hal-hal yang sebenernya gw tau gw ga separah itu. But they were all so inevitable...

Penginnya sih dinikmatin aja, tapi gw bener-bener ngerasa ga nyaman kemarin. Selain tummy yg rasanya aneh and bloating, emotionally very unstable, malem sebelumnya jg tidur gw sempet keganggu.

Akhirnya ngerepotin Peter sama pertanyaan-pertanyaan ga penting. Like kok gw boring banget orangnya and ga bisa keliatan asik, pinter blah blah blah... *huuuaa ingetnya bikin gw rada mellow lg nih* No matter how hard I tried, ndak iso bo...

Pasti seperti biasa gw cuma jadi the baby of the group, the silly girl yang jadi bahan goda-godaan gitu, weh...

Untungnya temen-temen lg nyadar kalo mood gw jelek bgt kemaren, diem mulu, ngedumel ga jelas jadinya pas pulang kantor - blm gajian tuh, jd makin lemes aja - jalan bareng anak-anak, yang jadi bahan celaannya bukan gw, he he lumayan banget bisa ngerasain ngetawain orang laen.
Plus setelah sejam ada yg nyoba ATM ternyata gaji udah masuk, lumayan...

Anyways, the lesson I got from this, perannya temen-temen tuh penting sih, daripada sendirian tertelan ke-mellow-an mending hang out sama temen-temen yg bisa bantu ngelupain itu semua ato bahkan bisa buat kita bener-bener ngerasa jauh lbh baik.

Malemnya seneng banget liat acara OChannel Friends n the City. Super suka gw sama psikolog nya - Alexander apa gitu namanya. Sampe minta Peter ikut liat and nyaranin kalo bisa die bersikap lebih friendly, nuturing, and mature kaya si Alex. He he kasian juga sih Peter...

Acaranya lg ngebahas something about what Mars thinks of Venus. Selama ini gw pikir cowo kalo lagi diajak curhat suka ga ngedengerin tuh salah gw nya yg cerita apa emang die nya yang ga dengerin, ternyata emang cowo not built for multi tasking, bukan karena emang mereka sengaja nyuekin.

Pas ampir bobo Peter sms intinya bilang he likes me the way I am :)
Duuuhhh I really got some issues with trusting people deh. Pagi ini
kan pikiran gw dah lebih sehat, less psychotic, jadi sadar man I need to start trusting people deh, apalagi Peter haiyah...
Moreover, I need to learn to trust myself first before I can trust other, I think... hemm bener ga begini logikanya, apa terbalik...


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So tired...

Akhirnya sempet juga nulis, padahal dari tadi pagi udah niat mau nulis tp keburu harus berangkat meeting.
Tadi sebelum brangkat ke CCF Salemba sempet YM-an sama Jar, pas banget karna paginya gw lagi kepikiran duh kok kangen dia yah *haiyah tessa...* Hey I know... it's unappropriate... cuma gw kan manusia biasa bow... it just happened and I'm not going to pretend or even deny that it didn't. Malah gw enjoy kok perasaan bisa kangen sama mantan, really, kangennya itu sendiri menurut gw bukan karena pengin balik tapi lebih ke kangen sama personality nya die and spending time sama die *duh... jadi mellow nih* Kalo diajak ketemu tapi gw nya blm mau, msh blm berani, takut apanya susah gw jelasin juga sih.

Malemnya sempet sedikit argue sama Peter about something, mana gw lagi PMS jadi bawaannya spaneng, kalo lagi ada yang nyari masalah pasti gw jadiin pelampiasan buat sekalian ngomel-ngomel, he he *maap mas, mba travel agent yg kemarin gw judesin...*

Anyway, tadi tuh meeting ketemu direktur CCF, gw jalan ke sana sama Pak Bayu and Pak Ezra. Hasilnya sukses, mulai bulan September Periplus bakal jadi istilahnya salah satu sponsor tetap CCF krn kita dah ada barter deal. Tinggal settle kontrak tertulisnya aja, dari pembicaraan tadi sih semuanya udah OK kok. Jadi ya seneng lah bisa perluas market lagi terutama buat komunitas Prancis di Jakarta, apalagi CCF sering ngadain acara-acara seru banget.

Balik meeting langsung diajak interview calon sekretaris baru. Personality-nya OK cuma inggrisnya bo... duh... ga deh, nanti malah gw yg repot ngajarin die buat surat, percuma toh... Mana die ceritanya pannnjaannngg dan laaammaaa dengan inggris yang acak adul, aye kage ngarti deh, makanya gw ijin cabut duluan sama org HRD. Tho anaknya lumayan cantik *matanya bagus, gede* tapi bosen bo dengerin ceritanya.

So, here I am now, he he udah sore... pulang mo nonton The Wild :)
Mau terusin buat Product Info tapi dah buntu otaknya *maap Ira...*
jadi cuma sempet urus ticket arrangements aja buat bosskuw.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Just my two cents...

Tadi nge-post komen di forum, pengin taro lagi di sini supaya pada bisa baca, soalnya jarang-jarang nih gw niat banget nulis.

Di sana kita lagi ngomongin ada apa sih benernya dengan cowo sama permintaan ML mereka ke cewe-nya. Ditengah-tengah diskusi forum ada issue yg menurut gw seru dibahas. So here goes…

[quote XXX] 1) dalam segi society - cowok tuh ga papa kalo mikir bokep daripada cewek, normal malah [/quote]

Sebenernya perlu ga sih perempuan mendobrak paradigma itu ? maksud gue apakah kalian para perempuan pengen kalau mikir atau melakukan sesuatu yang bokep itu dianggap normal ? [/quote] by AAA

Totally agree sama AAA *duh namamu panjang ya say*

Gw sangat bersyukur krn dari pembelajaran yang gw dapet waktu kuliah, ditambah pengalaman nyata yg udah gw aplikasikan sendiri, sebagai seorang perempuan gw justru pengin banget masyarakat kita bisa terbiasa dengan kesetaraan gender.

By this I mean, contohnya aja, hey bukan cowo aja lagi yang suka ngomongin hal-hal yang berbau seksual, girls do too...

Cuma, karena kita para perempuan by society, culture, juga ajaran2 ortu bahwa cewe itu harus memegang tinggi martabatnya, harus terlihat manis, baik, anggun, tabu berbicara ga sopan (baca bicara berbau seksual) bla bla bla - hal-hal tersebut yang sayangnya menghalangi hak perempuan utk bisa berbicara, bersikap apa adanya seperti manusia.

Apa sih sebenernya yang bila salah berbicara sedikit seksual?

Trend ini kan buktinya udah dipopulerkan sama 'Sex in The City' yang sempet bikin heboh itu. Bukan cuma kejadian di mini seri aja, gw percaya hal tersebut juga terjadi kok di kehidupan sehari-hari.

Contoh lucunya nih, temen cewe gw cerita duluuu banget, die, mamanya kumpul-kumpul sama tante-tantenya trus mereka lagi ngobrol-ngobrol santai and you know lah, ibu-ibu kalo udah ngumpul suka ga terkendali gitu becandanya, trus ada satu tante yg blg, "Eh mana nih bir nya, keluarin dong, abis minum bir tuh enak soalnya *censored* gw jd lentur... " *LOL*

Come on, we gotta admit itu lucu banget. That's just an example bahwa there's nothing wrong kok mau cewe ato cowo berbicara seksual.

Yang membedakan gw percaya adalah gmn cara kita ngebawainnya, jelas beda toh antara being cheeky sama kinky.

[quote XXX]
2) dalam segi biologis - cowok kaga punya selaput dara

Kalau perempuan karena alasan medis tidak memiliki selaput dara emang salah yah XXX?
or pertanyaannya seperti ini "Apakah selaput dara itu penting bagi perempuan,secara fisiologis.....bukan secara moral ?" Bisa ga perempuan memikirkan bahwa memiliki selaput dara adalah advantage yang dimiliki cewe dan tidak di miliki cowo ? respon AAA

3) dalam segi evolution - cowok tuh kaga rugi kalo punya anak banyak, sperma pun "murah meriah" [/quoteXXX]

Elaborate please...anak banyak yang menafkahi kan cowo...sperma murah meriah maksudnya apa ? secara produksi ? perempuan ajah Ovumnya ratusan ribu kaga di keluarin semua se umur hidup kok...menurut gue itu berarti tidak efektif dan over kapasitas hehehehehehehe....

Kalau apa yang di tulis XXX benar..terutama poin 1 kenapa sih perempuan banyak yang protes RUU pornography ? kan yang seharusnya di permalukan laki2 karena dianggap tidak bisa menekan nafsu. -- Respon AAA

Point gw lainnya adalah, sometimes justru perjuangan perempuan akan kesetaraan gender berbalik terbalik ke muka kita sendiri.

Karena masih banyak di antara perempuan sendiri yang kurang menyadari kodratnya *senyum.*

Some people think kalo gerakan emansipasi perempuan saat ini - bisa sekolah lebih tinggi (baca lbh pinter), punya kedudukan yang lbh tinggi, dapat penghasilan di atas para cowo - udah buat para perempuan lupa kodratnya untuk jadi ibu, untuk jadi pasangan yang baik (baca menghormati, menghargai) spouse nya. Dan cuma segitu aja beberapa orang memandang harga kata kodrat itu sendiri.

Padahal menurut gw jika kita mau berbicara tentang kodrat, tentunya itu berbicara tentang kesetaraan peran.

Bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki memang sudah diciptakan berdasarkan peran dan kapasitasnya masing-masing, bahwa inti dari kodrat itu adalah kesetaraan bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki adalah sama-sama manusia.

Karena kita manusia, mari kita rayakan kemanusiaan kita,

caranya simpel, let's start act like one :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

I've a new bling bling!

Finally, after browsing up and down the mall, Peter bought a pair of bling bling for him and I.
Nice.... I'm happy that we have a token of love now *halah, jieeee* as for me this bling bling will remind me always that Peter and I are one now *hidup one-itist, he he*
Am very very excited also about the trip to Hong Kong :) this Friday. My only concern is that I don't bring enough money to accomodate my shopping crave *bumma*

be back soon with ma trip report :)
tess - over and out

Monday, March 20, 2006

I love this picture :D
It was taken while we were having a dinner celebrating last workshop (uhm forgot the date)
with Kei, Jet, Blue, Sofie, and Kojack.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Last weekend was crazy!

I started my first debut in cookery arts, he he. That surely was a very big step for me since I never nor can I cook =) But since Peter loves to eat *winks at Pete* then I thought I should give it a try.

It turned out to be awesome!
Peter loves the spaghetti; and yes, we made our own spaghetti sauce *thanks mom for the recipe*
I felt very proud and happy seeing Peter eating and loving my cooking. Believe me, it's the most wonderful feeling that one could ever feel.

I call this cooking with love =)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Okay, let's just be honest, the first time I saw this picture while loading I thought this was a watermelon image, hihihi, my friend Ira said this didn't even look like a hand; more like someone's back - aha ha ha ha. My manager Bayu didn't even know what this image is before I told him that this is my hand. Yes... this is my henna painted hand dear friends. Kinda horrific, eh?
My first time painted in henna but it turned out to be not as I expected since my hand at the time was a bit sweating so the henna become 'blobor' - apa sih inggrisnya? Anyway, see the caption below the picture? Peter put it there, the art of chubbiness - hehe.
Tessa, out -

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Weekend Journal

Last weekend was really special and so much fun (I laughed myself out almost the whole day – think I haven’t laughed as hard as I did in months.) That’s why I think I should take a note of it, won’t go to much details though *giggling*

Well, here are several things Peter and I developed:

- We are thinking of producing a movie: “The Adventure of the Girl with No Eyes and the One Eye Jack.” (ha-ha) – we hope that this movie could enlighten people’s mind that it’s okay to share your most intimate moments with the beloved one in a very funny and ridiculous way *winks*

- I encountered some situations involving a very ‘life-risking task’ (hihi – ga penting tapi pengin nyatet aja biar inget)

- Oh, another is: Revolution, Cammerade! Revolution! (this is for our crusade against the Mafioso)

- Our body temperature rise up everytime we feel affectionate about each other. (Hey, is there any medical explanation on this?)

So, those are my quick review on our weekend.

We went to a function and worked together last nite, will update more once Peter has sent me the pictures (yes, we took some very nice ones – I can’t wait to put them all here, including my henna painted hand)


Sunday, January 29, 2006

bener-bener deh, Tuhan yang memberi; Dia juga yang mengambil....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What can I say, had a great weekend...

Lagi males mikir and nulis pake Inggris tapi lagi pengin cerita juga, jadi bare with me ya :)

Had a fantastic Sunday morning, well it was actually already noon but still I like to consider it as morning (doh…)

Menyenangkan banget gitu, kan bangun sekitar jam10an trus ½ 12an dah sampe mall. The weather was lovely, mendung adem gitu, mataharinya ga crong, my most favorite kind.

Masuk mall langsung liat wah, Starbucks sepi gitu… perfect, I thought. Pokoknya kudu dinikmatin ini mah… he he

Jadilah langsung pesen cappuccino and strawberry cheesecake then duduk di spot favorite, tenggelem di sofa ijo sambil baca Sunday nya the Jakarta Post.

Waaahhhh… itu rasanya menyenangkan banget… the weather was great, got a cappuccino and cheesecake before me plus sambil baca koran *smbl ngebayangin betapa nikmatnya, soalnya lagi ga semangat kerja nih*

For the first time in the last few months, bener-bener puas gitu rasanya ternyata bisa menghabiskan momen sendiri yang bener-bener dinikmatin. I’m basically a people person cuma juga demen banget kalo bisa punya waktu untuk bisa happy and content by myself. Happy yg bukan berasal dari the people I am with but bener-bener doing something to my own comfort and enjoying the solitude – yang emang jarang-jarang juga bisa gw lakukan.

Aneh ga ya? Ouh, who gives a f**k *giggling*