Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thinking ‘bout forever

I believe in Archibald MacLeish when he talked about

the “late, last wisdom of the afternoon” that:

“Love, like light, grows dearer towards the dark.”

Last Saturday, hung with two of my best-est friends since junior high – Dyan and Heny, it had been a while since we could go out together since one of us went to Beijing for school, occupied with work, and all.

Anyhow, while we were catching up stories, turned out that marriage issues inevitably appeared *well, as if you don’t know how girls like when they’re together, lol*

Heny seemed to be preparing to buy a house with her boyfriend in installments. *think they are preparing to get married in the next two years*

While Dyan on the other hand, was still single and aware that despite of her loneliness, she had been struggling with her own specified criteria of a perfect boyfriend in which I personally think: *girl, there’s no such thing as perfect boyfriend!* wake up, Hun!!

You just gotta take what live has to offer.

When I told them bout the wedding preparation course for couples which started every six months, Heny was quite excited before Dyan informed that one of her friends had doubted her decision to get married and her relationship with the boyfriend during the course *that would be fun to find out, wouldn’t it, Pete? *winks*

You know, sometimes the things happened in your life seem to connect with one another in a very bizarre way. Like the last few days, was it just me who kept thinking bout forever or somehow, just somehow, life had guided me to this phase *hmmm… I’m getting the sense that this is just my make believe, lol*

I lost my birth certificate and the thought that I have to go through all the red tape procedure is killing me :D

Not to mention the money that I would have to spend for smoothing the whole process.

Now, how in the world can I get married without a birth certificate *and a groom*? LOL


Anonymous said...

huhh ?! getting married ? NOOOOOO !!!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.