Thursday, August 02, 2007

Nama : Andre
Email :
Usia : 19 Tahun
Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa
Artikel Fave : Lakukan Perubahan Sekarang Juga! (mine) "cuman dengan membacanya saya merasa ada yang lain dari dalam diri saya, orang jeniuskah yang membuatnya??? karna merubah sikap saya..."

Sebagai seorang narsis sejati, pujian kaya gini nih yang bikin kepala makin gede *as if the one I've now isn't big enough!* :P
Senangnyah dipuji... dan Andre di manapun dirimu berada, makasih yah atas pujiannya! Walo usia elo masih kemudaan buat menyatakan gw jenius, thanks for making me re-read the article and realized betapa canggihnya tulisan gw ahuahuahua...
Artikel itu dah setaon yang lalu kali ya selesai, dan sebenernya am in the process of finishing the next one, eh maksudnya sih... gw udah mulai nulis dari taon lalu! Seriously dari taon lalu dan since topiknya beraaattt banget... even penulisnya sendiri keabisan kreatifitas buat ngelanjutin hehehe...

Beberapa hari belakangan ini, I was so f*cking bored, and started to think that I need to keep my brain's engine keep working and start writing something or heck anything soon.

Last Saturday dong canggih, setelah cape muter-muter mall sama Pete, akhirnya kita ke Starbucks - La Piazza and were lucky enough to get a seat on their sofa right at a hidden corner. The seats were in fact secluded from others and we sat right under the aircon so it was cool, brezzy, with pete and a cup of caramel mocchacino then I was the happiest girl in town!

We talked from just about some saucy gossips of our closest friends and their girlfriends, we even made predictions ab
out their relationships - how long they can stand each other hihihi; to the heavier stuff like our new theory that women are double complicated than men in processing an attraction.
I told Pete that it's not fair how men can easily sexually attracted to girls, as long as they have respectively 'noticeable' boobies and behinds :) while some girls might view they need to built some connections first before really certain on a guy's approach.

To add the above, actually I think women are a lot body image aware than men in respect how - as I said - for men, they don't really care about a girl's body weight but they will see us as a whole package and in fact the measurement come from the balance percentage between our hips with waists, so it's not the body weight they're up to *oh well unless the guy is very very picky and kinda gay, lol, no am just kidding, so no offense eh?*

Unlikely for girls, to put it simple, we're kinda picky aren't we?
Our so called that certain interesting, charming, kind, gentle character, and connection we're looking for is merely another way of our... I dunno... is it our mind? body? saying that we don't want your genes, man, we don't think your genes are healthy and strong enough to pass on. Or you're not sexually attractive. Or frankly speaking, I'm sorry but the thought of us having ... is making me sick LOL!

What do you think?

Enough of my crap, before you're getting bored or lost, I've got the best news ever this week, Esprit is having up to 70% discount!
So I bought a black working skirt for just IDR 160,000 from the normal IDR 449 thousand something priced!

I also found another white mini jacket at Orange by the price of, uhmm I think about IDR 139,000 or so, here's the picture:

I didn't buy it coz it kinda look not really properly fit my body though look kinda nice in the same time.
Should I buy it?


Anonymous said...

Tesssss, kurusan yah? ckckckck.... tebak sapa hayoooo

tess said...

ehehehe, I've so many fans :D

Felicia said...

Makasi udah membesarkan hati saya =)