Friday, December 07, 2007
Sudah beberapa waktu saya coba praktikan politik ini dan hasilnya memuaskan. Caranya mudah saja, setiap ada hal-hal di kantor yang memang tidak terlalu berkaitan langsung dengan Anda namun entah bagaimana kebetulan saja Anda yang sering dianggap mengetahui segala sesuatunya dan ditanya seseorang, katakan "Saya tidak tahu." Setelah itu, segera berlalu atau sebutkan siapa yang seharusnya mengerjakan hal tersebut.
Saya mengetahui politik yang luar biasa efeknya ini dari sebuah film, sayang tidak ingat judulnya, yang pasti filmnya tentang kisah seputar politik dan para pembantu presiden yang sedikit banyak dimintai pendapat saat ada krisis.
Seringkali kita berpendapat bahwa jika ada rekan yang menanyakan mengenai pekerjaan maka untuk terlihat pintar dan bisa mengendalikan banyak hal, kita merasa perlu untuk memberikan satu jawaban terbaik yang saat itu kita punya.
Padahal, daripada memberikan analisa yang sok tahu dan sok ikut campur, sama sekali tidak salah bila Anda mengaku tidak tahu. Seperti yang dilakukan salah satu penasihat yang senior di dalam film tersebut, di saat yang begitu genting dan penasihat lainnya meminta pendapatnya, dengan berani ia mengatakan: "Saya tidak tahu, saya tidak tahu."
Jadi, saran saya, mulai sekarang jangan malu lagi untuk berkata: "Saya tidak tahu."
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Here's your lyrics:
(The Good Old Days)
You know baby, I was such a wuss back then
To say goodbye I didn't dare
What my momma said I could care
Til come that day I said
"What the fuck am I doing here?"
Falling in love oh so easy to stay
How could I end the good old days?
Hell yeah I thought it was love
Such a dear friend I never regret
A beautiful soul at least I'd a good laugh
oh what a fool I had enough
Letting go the good old days
so cry with me now
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Today am feeling like sharing another episode of our love story.
We are living in a such a fucked up world, don't you think? Or hasn't it just been the same, only the people who're getting crazier? I'm not sure...
Just think of the UN's Climate Change Conference in Bali, at one side the agenda is to achieve better results in exchange of the the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. On the other side, Indonesian Government is screaming for more allocation of funds (or incentives or whatever) on our poverty issues, which could be good and worthwhile for the people if everyone could have a good attitude and commitment towards it.
However, what good will it bring if most of the freaking money goes to the authority pockets? I kinda only have a little faith that this agenda would bring any real effect for Indonesia other than just false hopes, let alone the whole climate change issues.
Having such a skeptical attitude towards my country's system is just a start.
And then more on relationship issues, how human beings, including myself, choose to believe regarding romance.
Lately I tend to believe that there's no such thing as "love conquers all" bullshit hehehe. Like, come on seriously guys, you still believe on that crap?
What does it take then for a relationship to last?
I'm completely, positively certain that love alone won't be enough.
And money, compatibility, equality, respecting each other, open-mindedness, endurance, persistence, a good teamwork, negotiation, even kids still aren't the strongest reasons for a partnership to last.
So our friends (like any of us) are having issues in their relationships. Funny how each deals with problems. So scary ha to know that your partner can hit, swear or throw things at you in at manic state.
And then there's the story of Braindamage's brother , which is just madness ha, I wish I've taken the blue pill and bathed in ignorance, instead of knowing too much and now where do we go from here? Hehehe.
Again, what does it take then for a relationship to last?
Pete calls the X factor as a miracle.
While I believe no matter how hard you tried to work on even to push a relationship to last, when you guys aren't meant to be, then you're just not.
How do you say 'jodoh' in English anyway? Kalo ga jodoh ya bisa apa?
For what it's worth though, I think I'm quite lucky to have Pete, yes?
Now this is the part where I kinda let loose and put aside too many intellectuality and let the gossip begins :D
He has such a fatherly love, warmth and protection, very sophisticated, sexy, attractive, yada yada yada and bla bla bla.
Then what does a climate change conference has to do with my romance gossips? Nothing! LOL.
I would just be so lucky to be with Pete to the end.
*mampus hidup ngarep deh, tess* muahahaha
Song lyrics | I Should Be So Lucky lyrics
Monday, November 19, 2007
Oh, How I Love "Loving You"
So this is my story of loving "Loving You" - D'cinnamons.
Isn't it a wonder how people can get connected through music?
It's just occurred to me that by sharing the same taste and having the same state of feeling from a song can actually bring you closer to just about any stranger.
I think the same happened to me and "B.E." of JP's - Weekender.
We were in the middle of confirming an exclusive interview and the ice had broken once he called me and heard my ring back tone, which is of course D'cinnamons' "Loving You."
As soon as I picked up, BE immediately said, "You have the same ring back tone as mine!" and so we're just clicked from then on, although we only get to meet a few days afterwards.
Anyway, this song is highly recommended!
Got this Sarah McLachlan going pop-acoustic, deep, mature, strong feel.
*umm and does anyone get this gayness feel as well?*
Edited on Dec 26th:
So, I've finally listened to the whole album and yep am still quite sure that their vocalist has this McLachlan voice color (in "Good Morning") with a bit of Dido touch going on. Also instead of having a lil' bit gay sense, the album is actually consisted of very very girly songs here and there, a little 'King of Convenience' touch on "Tak Takut."
Hope you enjoy the album as well! :D
Song lyrics | Loving You lyrics
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I Want List
I want to :
- be a manager
- move to US/OZ/UK/Canada
- have a car
- have a house
- have a long vacation to Europe
- have a vacation in
- eat gummies as much as I can without getting fat or tooth ache :D
- get married someday
Oh and I forgot to mention:
- I want to buy a notebook
- Would love to loose some more weight as well
- I want to move to a new job
Updated on October 31st 2008:
- Loosing some weight, currently 78 kg :D not bad
- Moved to a new company, building a new career as Investor Relations
*but also still looking for any available manager position*
- Had some good chunks of gummies from Ina's last trip to Europe, thanks and yummmssss!
Until next update - so long :D
Friday, November 02, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
It’s been quiet an exhausting week for Ms. Ho, after her trip to
She felt very, very happy and content though and sooo damn lucky that her bestest tummy mate Mr. Wetbutt has been kind enough to give her some lovely treats. All you can eat dim sum at Eastern Restaurant in Permata Hijau on Saturday! A carrot cake and espresso in the afternoon, apple-orange juice, skipping dinner, and end the night 2 Dunkin Donuts.
And for Sunday, it was sushi frenzy at Sushi Groove.
*author's note*
The origin of Ms. Tummy Ho
Tummy is of course referring to my tummy :D
We were walking through the mall after eating sushi as I mentioned before and Pete was teasing me for my bulging tummy, so we were laughing about it.
Ms. Ho
You noticed how sometimes you'd laugh so hard that your whole body shakes? And so while we were laughing my tummy shakes like Santa, now that's why it's called Ms. Tummy Ho as Ho stands for Ho ho ho *Santa's laugh, well of course, LOL!*
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Ay-ay Captain, let me take you round Bali!
'Tis crucial Sir, that before you begin enjoying this beautiful island to pay some respect at Ground Zero, it's the monument remembering victims of poppies 1.
Of course a stroll at the beach before shopping.
And head back to the beach again for the sunset (with shopping bags on hands.)
Some pictures of you in front of the Hard Rock Hotel is a must :P
Oh well, remember to always smile even if it is not a real holiday since it is on company's account and you have to work with a tipsy photographer.
Bigger smiles if the author is lovely and undemanding.
Finally, enjoy a good sunset walk at the beach!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I'd ask you: "What do you think, should I buy this dress?"
I'd tell you: "Hey lately I've been getting to like Pete more than ever,"
I'd whisper to you: "Psst... do you know that I wish I was a Caucasian named Naturale," lol
I'd turn to check my behind for awhile to say: "My ex texted me on my birthday just to say happy birthday tess and I'd replied thanks."
I'd turn one more time to take this picture and tell you: "Okay, you can get out, I'm going to change now!" ehehehe
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I’ve this colleague whom I shared cubicle with at the office told me on how he’s just got back from Bali and met some ‘new gal pals’ there. And so he was telling me how he liked to have fun by going out with a lot of chicks, despite the fact that he has a steady girlfriend already. I asked him what the fuck were guys thinking that even when they already on a steady relationship yet they’d love the thought of having someone else just for the sake of having fun.
I suppose well it’s not only guys that are being that way, probably girls like to be flirtatious too once in a while. Perhaps I should try it myself, eh? That should be fun.
And so I browsed through the internet to find what recent researches have found. As an old fashioned (or should I say I’ve been living too long in a male dominated environment) thinker I have to say that I’m quite amused with the fact that nowadays women are also as much of a cheater as guys. At first I thought men should have more tendencies to fool around while women are more monogamous, guess that’s far from the latest trend then.
I like what
Check out the survey from The Sun UK “WOMEN are far more unfaithful than men, a survey reveals.
Forty per cent of females cheat on lovers, compared with 34 per cent of males.”
How about this article Why Women Cheat that breaks down some reasons why women cheat.
If I were to cheat then the reason most likely will be I’m still looking for my “Sugar Daddy” – a man of higher power and wealth :D uuhh yess… gimme that bling honey! LOL
Anyway, on the other side I believe (unless the person is just plain stupid or retarded) he/she should consciously aware that there would be a risk of getting burned by his/her own game.
It’s not a good thing at all or like winning the person over the other by becoming the ‘other guy or woman.’ Just like one of Oprah’s shows in which it explored on ‘the other guy or woman’ in a marriage issue; Dr. Robin Smith stated that it is actually an insult for someone to make you his/her ‘other guy or woman.’ They may say they love you and treat you well yet still he/she’s making you the x object that he/she is actually missing on the relationship that they’re too childish or running away from their responsibility of coping with daily life problems.
Oh well, but who am I to write as an expert eh?
Moving on people, I must say that based on experience, simple talks with Pete, reading materials, aren’t women just much much complicated than men.
I was just talking the other day with braindamage on how he imagined to had sex to his cousin and I was on the-eewwww-what-the-hell-were-you-thinking-you-sick-I-don’t
-understand-guys’-kinky-sexual-desire mood.
Even to cheat women more likely to do it based on emotional reasons. While we are still struggling with insecurities and often wondering “do you like my tits?” men…. they’re just simply following wherever their peckers lead LOL! So simple and unfair!
mwuahahahaha jijai bajaj deh nih, hasil nulis buat kelas penpop (penulisan populer dulu) yiuk mari....
Rabu jam satu siang
Dari mana datangnya lintah?
Dari sawah turun ke kali,
Dari mana datangnya cinta?
Dari mata turun ke hati…
Lho, berarti lirik yang mengatakan bahwa seseorang dapat jatuh cinta lewat pandangan pertama tidak sepenuhnya benar, dong? Buktinya tidak selalu tuh, penampilan yang menjadi takaran bagi seseorang untuk jatuh cinta. Lihat saja Pangeran Charles yang lebih memilih Camila Parker daripada Putri Diana. Bila dibandingkan secara fisik dengan Putri Diana, mungkin Camila terlihat biasa saja. Bahkan bisa dikatakan seperti langit dan bumi. Lalu apa yang membuat hati Pangeran Charles diberikan hanya kepada Camila seorang?
Hari ini cuaca sejuk, angin berulangkali bertiup lembut terasa agak sedikit dingin membelai kulitku. Sejak tadi pagi hujan terus turun. Tidak deras, hanya rintik-rintik kecil. Seperti biasa bila gerimis seperti ini, aku pasti terbawa suasana romantis yang diciptakannya. Repotnya, entah mengapa seharian ini hanya kata cinta yang terus berputar-putar di kepalaku. Bukan itu saja, sepertinya topik pembicaraanku dengan teman-teman hari ini juga hanya berputar sekitar cinta.
“Eh, Gus, dah tau belom? Si Geti jadian lho sama Christian.”
“Hah?! Yang bener, lo!” ujar Agus dengan suara cempreng yang agak melengking karena terkejut.
Itulah reaksi pertama Agus ketika mendengar gosip terbaru tentang teman sejurusan kami. “Kasian amat si Geti!” ia melanjutkan, masih dengan mulut yang setengah menganga.
“Lho, kok kasian Geti, sih?” tanyaku tak mengerti.
“Ya iya lah, Tes. Masa lo ga kasian, sih?”
Memang ketika pertama kali mendengar berita tersebut aku juga amat terkejut. Hanya saja berbeda dengan Agus, aku terkejut mendengarnya karena selama ini aku tidak memperhatikan bahwa ternyata di antara mereka telah tumbuh benih-benih
“Kasian kenapa sih, Gus?”
“Geti ‘
“Ih, kok lo gitu sih, Gus? Itu ‘
“Iya juga, sih. Tapi lo pikir deh, Tes, nanti ‘
“Maksud lo kalo dah nikah?”
“Iya! Mau makan apa coba? Emangnya makan cinta doang cukup? ‘
Kemudian Agus melanjutkan dengan cerita seorang teman kantor kakaknya. Konon orang-orang di kantor kakaknya Agus tak habis pikir bagaimana seorang arsitek perempuan yang cantik bisa jatuh cinta pada kekasihnya. Adapun sang kekasih belum seberhasil teman kakaknya Agus dalam hal karier.
“Udah gitu orangnya iteem banget, jelek, lagian ga’ seagama. Trus apaan dong yang bisa diharepin dari si cowok, Tes? Kasian banget ceweknya, ‘kan?”
“Tapi, Gus, emangnya kenapa? Menurut gue asalkan si cewek tau dan siap ngejalanin segala konsekuensi yang bakal terjadi dari hubungan mereka, kenapa engga’?” kataku sedikit keras kepala.
Lalu, pembicaraanku dengan Agus terpotong begitu saja karena Agus harus segera menyelesaikan tutorial-nya padaku jika ia tidak ingin terlambat masuk kelas. Tak lama kemudian aku bertemu dengan Adah yang baru saja datang. Dengan lancarnya ia segera bercerita tentang yang dilihatnya malam minggu kemarin ketika pergi nonton dengan kekasihnya.
Ketika mereka sedang mengantri karcis, pasangan yang mengantri di depan mereka amat menarik perhatian. Menurut Adah sang laki-laki terlihat berumur sekitar tiga puluh tahunan. Namun, yang aneh dari penampilannya adalah gaya berpakaiannya yang gaya punk, yang seharusnya digunakan oleh anak-anak seumur SMU. Bila dibandingkan dengan kekasihnya yang bergaya rapi seperti layaknya wanita karier, maka penampilan mereka berdua amat tidak serasi. Itulah yang membuat pasangan tersebut menarik perhatian Adah.
Bukan hanya gaya berpakaian pasangan itu saja yang berbeda tapi dari segi fisik mereka juga berbeda. Karena hanya melihat dari belakang saja maka Adah tidak dapat menggambarkan wajah mereka. Akan tetapi, yang amat jelas terlihat dari belakang adalah sang laki-laki terlihat jauh lebih pendek dari kekasihnya. “Terus tau ga’, Tes, si cowok tuh maksa banget! Masa dia maksa ngerangkul ceweknya di pundak, sementara dia ‘kan jauh lebih pendek dari ceweknya. Paling sedagunya tuh cewek. Jadinya ‘kan dia agak-agak jinjit gitu. Gue sih ngeliatnya jadi kasian banget sama tuh cowok.”
Wuaduh, ribet sekali sepertinya berusaha menemukan apa yang menyebabkan seseorang bisa jatuh cinta pada pasangannya. Yang pasti kalau aku jatuh cinta aku akan jatuh cinta pada jiwa pasanganku. Aku tak dapat memungkiri bahwa sedikit banyak penampilan memang berpengaruh di dalam sebuah hubungan.
Namun, sekalipun aku memiliki kekasih yang ganteeenng banget, untuk lebih mencintainya lagi aku akan memejamkan mata. Kemudian membayangkan seandainya ia tidak seganteng ini akankah aku tetap mencintainya? Bagaimana jika tiba-tiba ia kecelakaan dan wujudnya sudah tidak seperti sekarang lagi, akankah aku tetap menyayanginya? Apa yang akan terjadi seandainya ia jatuh miskin, tetapkah aku bersamanya?
Bagiku jiwa adalah yang terpenting karena jiwa adalah satu-satunya yang abadi dari seorang manusia. Kekayaan dan kegantengan, semuanya itu tidak abadi. Dalam sekejap saja jika Tuhan menghendaki semuanya bisa lenyap. Itulah idealismeku. Aku menyebutnya idealisme Tessa.
Hanya saja ada kata-kata Agus sebelum ia pergi tadi yang terus terngiang di telingaku, “Boleh aja sih, cewek-cewek itu mengganggap keserasian penampilan dengan pasangan mereka ga’ terlalu penting, tapi gimana nanti mereka idup? Emang makan cinta aja cukup?” Lalu, sebenarnya apa sih, yang dibutuhkan bagi seseorang untuk jatuh cinta?
Friday, September 07, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ada permintaan dari salah satu pembaca setia blog gw supaya cepet di update. Banyak sebenernya yang pengen ditulisin, cuma sayang waktunya ga ada. Tiap hari kerja dan kerja dan kerja ga abis-abis, begitu sore udah ga sabar cepet pulang karena sakit kepala ato sekedar pergi secepet-cepetnya dari kantor yang - bukannya bikin ga betah - tapi penat banget kalo di sini lanjut sampe malem.
Anyways, boring lah yah kalo isinya terus-terusan keluh kesah gw hehee...
Jadi marilah kita mulai cerita tentang hari Sabtu kemaren gw jadi panitia audisi "Miss Big Indonesia."
Awal ceritanya begini lho, Jeung, one day ada yang sebar email pitching di berbagai milis tentang komunitas Xtra-Large. Nah mereka itu katanya mau ngadain berbagai kegiatan dan juga tempat orang-orang "extra" buat berkumpul sama saling menssuport satu sama lain tanpa mandang agama, suku, kepercayaan, dan ya ga mungkin juga mereka masalahin berat badan LOL.
And so there I was at the time dengan dukungan Pete yang ga tahan diikutin gw mulu setiap hari dan weekend, ikutlah diriku kenalan sama mereka dan masuk ke komunitas.
Long story short, Sabtu kemarin itu mereka lah yang jadi pengurus buat audisi dan nanti final "Miss Big Indonesia," tadinya gw pengin ikut lho... tapi ternyata kalo masuk jadi finalis bakal kudu ikutin workshop selama 5 ato 4 hari gitu dan dari pagi sampe sore, gimana ya bo... secara di kantor lagi kaya orang gila kerjaan banyak banget, ga mungkin kayanya cuti segitu lama.
Oh, sepertinya gw juga perlu nyebutin kalo nanti juara I "Miss Big Indonesia" bakal jadi duta "Rhino" - yep, am not kidding, kids, rhino as in REAL rhinoceros spoke person for Kementrian Kehutanan *giggling*
No, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Jadilah gw teuteup ikutan cuma jadi panitianya aja kali cukup dong :P
Acaranya agak kepanjangan dan kelamaan since mulainya molor, nunggu dokter lah buat pemeriksaan kesehatan, nunggu juri lah macet.
Yang menarik sih, oh well sebenernya cukup depressing juga, dengerin pertanyaan-pertanyaan jurinya dong yang super serius dan dalem amet padahal bukan pemilihan Putri Indonesia juga gitu lho.
Trus anak-anak panitia ikut komen dong sama pertanyaan-pertanyaan juri, ngayal kalo kite yang disuruh jawab. Actually gw ga tau yah kudu ngerasa lega bukan gw yang di atas panggung dicecer di depan sekitar 100 orang, ato justru ngerasa malu karena ga seberani para kontestan? hehehe
Bayangkan elo adalah cewek berbobot 100 kiloan dan dikasih pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini:
- Apakah kamu merasa nyaman dan percaya diri dengan tubuh kamu sekarang?
- Bagaimana kalau ada yang menawarkan membiayai kamu operasi plastik, bagian tubuh mana yang ingin kamu operasi?
>> komen tessa: d'oh..... iseng banget jurinya ngejebak gini?!?
so then most of the contestants kejebak dong dan jawab bagian mana yang pengin mereka operasi.
- Jadilah juri dapet celah buat nanya: Lho tadi kan kamu bilang kamu merasa nyaman dan pede dengan tubuh kamu sendiri, kenapa masih perlu operasi?
*kwang... kwang....*
- Pernah ga ada orang di sekitar kamu yang sepertinya ingin memberitahu kamu bahwa tubuh kamu terlalu besar, lalu bagaimana perasaan atau reaksi kamu terhadap mereka?
>> ada peserta yang jawab: "Ya saya cukup pede dan cuek saja,"
- Apakah kamu berolah raga untuk menjaga kesehatan?
- Pernahkah kamu memiliki keinginan untuk menguruskan tubuh?
- Bagaimana jika pacar kamu memberikan ketentuan bahwa dia hanya ingin berpacaran kalau kamu menguruskan badan?
- Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila menjadi juara nanti dan menjadi sebagai duta Rhino ahuahuahua
Ayo coba jawaban yang bagus apa?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Email :
Usia : 19 Tahun
Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa
Artikel Fave : Lakukan Perubahan Sekarang Juga! (mine) "cuman dengan membacanya saya merasa ada yang lain dari dalam diri saya, orang jeniuskah yang membuatnya??? karna merubah sikap saya..."
Sebagai seorang narsis sejati, pujian kaya gini nih yang bikin kepala makin gede *as if the one I've now isn't big enough!* :P
Senangnyah dipuji... dan Andre di manapun dirimu berada, makasih yah atas pujiannya! Walo usia elo masih kemudaan buat menyatakan gw jenius, thanks for making me re-read the article and realized betapa canggihnya tulisan gw ahuahuahua...
Artikel itu dah setaon yang lalu kali ya selesai, dan sebenernya am in the process of finishing the next one, eh maksudnya sih... gw udah mulai nulis dari taon lalu! Seriously dari taon lalu dan since topiknya beraaattt banget... even penulisnya sendiri keabisan kreatifitas buat ngelanjutin hehehe...
Beberapa hari belakangan ini, I was so f*cking bored, and started to think that I need to keep my brain's engine keep working and start writing something or heck anything soon.
Last Saturday dong canggih, setelah cape muter-muter mall sama Pete, akhirnya kita ke Starbucks - La Piazza and were lucky enough to get a seat on their sofa right at a hidden corner. The seats were in fact secluded from others and we sat right under the aircon so it was cool, brezzy, with pete and a cup of caramel mocchacino then I was the happiest girl in town!
We talked from just about some saucy gossips of our closest friends and their girlfriends, we even made predictions about their relationships - how long they can stand each other hihihi; to the heavier stuff like our new theory that women are double complicated than men in processing an attraction.
I told Pete that it's not fair how men can easily sexually attracted to girls, as long as they have respectively 'noticeable' boobies and behinds :) while some girls might view they need to built some connections first before really certain on a guy's approach.
To add the above, actually I think women are a lot body image aware than men in respect how - as I said - for men, they don't really care about a girl's body weight but they will see us as a whole package and in fact the measurement come from the balance percentage between our hips with waists, so it's not the body weight they're up to *oh well unless the guy is very very picky and kinda gay, lol, no am just kidding, so no offense eh?*
Unlikely for girls, to put it simple, we're kinda picky aren't we?
Our so called that certain interesting, charming, kind, gentle character, and connection we're looking for is merely another way of our... I dunno... is it our mind? body? saying that we don't want your genes, man, we don't think your genes are healthy and strong enough to pass on. Or you're not sexually attractive. Or frankly speaking, I'm sorry but the thought of us having ... is making me sick LOL!
What do you think?
Enough of my crap, before you're getting bored or lost, I've got the best news ever this week, Esprit is having up to 70% discount!
So I bought a black working skirt for just IDR 160,000 from the normal IDR 449 thousand something priced!
I also found another white mini jacket at Orange by the price of, uhmm I think about IDR 139,000 or so, here's the picture:
I didn't buy it coz it kinda look not really properly fit my body though look kinda nice in the same time.
Should I buy it?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Queuing for Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
Winners of Harry Potter Look Alike Contest
Nathan 'Potter' Wiser, Mas Tommy - Plaza Indonesia, Bu Dessy - HSBC, and the soon-to-be new character on Harry Potter Book #8 ehehehe -- after the press conference
Maestros on the work
And the winners are...
Ooh... Edmund... how beautiful thou art...
How do I look as a witch?
With Nathan 'Potter' Wiser
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Today's to do list:
Meeting with HSBC & EX @ 1.30 pm @ PI
Finalize back drop, layout, gimmicks, giant banner, parking space for Nimbuss 2000 (sooo cooolll!!), ugh and my change of rundown cancelling the Trivia with T-shirt contest
Meeting with HSBC & MKG @ 4 pm @ MKG
Sales point of Harpot's book on the 21st at HSBC's booth at MKG III
with Surabaya team for gig with UNICEF @ Tunjungan Plaza on July 29th
with banking team for Jan '08 School Book Fair
with reward team for Periplus gift vouchers
1. Come up with a new rundown on Draw Your T-shirt Contest before the 1.30 pm meeting
2. Contact Pelikan for the contest - maybe a meeting in near time (Checked)
3. Email to Pelikan the rundown and finalize the competition mechanisms (Checked)
4. Finalized HSBC contract
5. Transfer the payment of 1 Gryffindor Dormitory Cloak & 1 Gryffindor Dormitory Shawl
6. Print more HARPOT's posters by this afternoon
7. Print fliers
8. Print contest terms and conditions
9. Print application forms
10. Communicate with HSBC people on the backdrop artworks!
11. Send invitation letters to school & (perhaps) can put posters at the schools?
12. Write press release - MEDIA BUZZ (AARRRGGGHHH)
13. Send invitation by mails, newsletter, and in office
Pending job:
1. Tickets and costumes for Marcel & Shalvynne
2. Script for MCs for "Harry Potter Magical World"
3. Ubud Writers Festival contract
4. Running through HSBC point reward program (NOPE AND NOT OK)
5. Ursula's Inspired Kids (Uh No timeee, can do later lah)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
1. Complete Rundown (CHECKED) and *maybe* script for MCs for Harry Potter Mania (NOPE)
2. Running through agreement draft with : HSBC (CHECKED) & Ubud Writers Festival (NOPE)
3. Finalized the contracts (JUST HSBC'S)
4. Send email to Bloomsbury to get Harry Potter's high res images (CHECKED)
5. Send existing images to Yuli HSBC (CHECKED)
6. Running through HSBC point reward program (NOPE AND NOT OK)
7. Meeting with MCs at 4pm at Plaza Senayan (CHECKED)
8. Issue tickets for Pak Hen & HDJ (CHECKED)
9. Email to Antonio Scialletti on the book delivery arrival (ABOUT TO)
I've missed replying:
1. David King's email while he supposed to be arriving today (SHIT!)
*uuh quick update! thank gudness he's blackberry so already replied just now, yay!)
2. Ursula's Inspired Kids (Uh No timeee, can do later lah)
Done jobs:
1. Ordering 1 Gryffindor Dormitory Cloak & 1 Gryffindor Dormitory Shawl from (site's highly recommended to all sorcerers out there!)
2. Ordering 12 pieces of (cheaper) Dormitory Cloaks (4 houses)
3. Messing up the relationship (stupid tessa...)
Today's to do list:
1. Finalize and print HARPOT's posters by this afternoon
2. Communicate with HSBC people on the artworks for backdrop, print ad, billboard
3. Tickets and costumes for Marcel & Shalvynne
4. Send invitation letters to school & (perhaps) can put posters at the schools?
6. Send invitation by mails, newsletter, and in office
7. Cannot think of anything else... too much to do...
Monday, July 09, 2007
Before I begin another dreadful day *FYI, nowadays I always started my day full of fear to what's going to happen next, whether I'm going to be able to perform a good job or will I mess up,* I'd like to make a confession hehe.
Forgive me my dear colleagues for keeping you guys waiting in the car and made the whole crew come in late this morning :)
Bete ya punya temen kantor suka telat mulu? Tapi kan lumayan lho sekali-kali bandel dikit hihi, toh it's not big a deal for once in a while to come in late to office, feels good eh to break the rules?? Well, I like it, hope you guys too LOL!
Sedikit oleh-oleh narsistik dari Jogja, seru ya di sana, the food is freakingly cheap! IDR 50,000 for 5 gudeg menus plus drink plus chips!
Today's to do list:
1. Complete Rundown and *maybe* script for MCs for Harry Potter Mania
2. Running through agreement draft with : HSBC & Ubud Writers Festival
3. Finalized the contracts
4. Send email to Bloomsbury to get Harry Potter's high res images
5. Send existing images to Yuli HSBC
6. Running through HSBC point reward program
7. Meeting with MCs at 4pm at Plaza Senayan
8. Issue tickets for Pak Hen & HDJ
9. Email to Antonio Scialletti on the book delivery arrival
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
lalalalalala *jentik-jentikin jari sambil manggut-manggut* lagi Michael Buble-ing nih apapun itu artinya hehe.
>.< haiz pengen nulis tapi ga ada yang penting yang bisa diceritain palingan cuma gw lagi suka mochi yessss mochiiiiii enak :)
Trus ternyata kalo lagi salsa rambutnya dilepas jadi bisa dikebasin bikin tambah ngerasa seksi uhuy! Cuma ga suka aja lengket ke mana-mana itu rambut iuuhh...
Ehmm... oya, paling enak gangguin pete kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan dan ternyata dia lagi sibuk, terus dimarahin deh.
Pengen hair masker, beli sendal jalan-jalan, rok kerja, manisan mangga, tolak angin flu *sedot ingus*, komunikator, notebook.
Dan instruktur favorit yang badannya bagus itu ternyata seorang gay *sigh*
OOOHHH and yaayyy of course! Super excited about the Jogja trip plan! Walo cuma buat semalem ke kawinan, tapi semoga sempet ke Keraton liat Taman Sari, makan lesehan di Malioboro, nyebrangin di tengah-tengah pohon beringin sambil makan sekoteng, dan liat toko ateuh di Malioboro Mall, yiuuk...
Monday, June 18, 2007
A funny thing happened on Friday.
Was actually feeling really, really anxious to what gonna happen on another of my first projects after bayu's left, I imagined that that day should've been like hell with lotsa last minute preparations for Saturday and Sunday events at Plaza Senayan.
The day, however, turned out to be pretty unexpected as it began with meeting my old neighbor coming to the apartment to see Mom. We caught up at the stairs when I was rushing down for the office driver already waited for like 5 minutes or so *ups heheh*
It's been about 2 years since we last met and she was like stunned seeing me LOL no idea why. All she could say was: "Tessa! Cantik banget kamu sekarang!" seriously, am not used to be called beautiful, I never think of myself that way :D uh huh... not that way.
And hearing her kept saying the same words over and over and seeing the car waiting from the window, I could only blush with nothing much to say then: "Ah masa sih Tante?" then the tante kept saying: "Ih iya Tess, kamu cantik banget sekarang, tambah putih lagi!" *heh heh heh*
Then I thought ugh she'd been too generous I should give her a compliment too, so I said: "Tante juga langsingan sekarang." And the tante replied: "Iya kamu cantik sekarang!" Jeez... dasar ibu-ibu...
Actually perhaps I should mention what I was wearing that day, just as simple as a tight red sabrina blouse with a black skirt slightly below the knee with lovely new black wedges shoes :D
Yes, I thought it was the black shoes that caused my good fortune that day, but stick around for a little more.
So, I arrived with my colleagues at the office, and it didn't take long until someone noticed and said my feet looked whiter on that shoes. Then some time along the day one or two or three people said that I looked different that day or would just ask am I going somewhere after work *giggling*
Isn't it amazing how something good reflected from others can brighten up one's day.
Later on the day after a meeting (I was actually a bit dressing up for the meeting) had a movie date with Pete at Blitz that was our first time there. By the time we met I already had blisters on my heels yikes, it hurt so bad I need to buy some band aids! So much for the lucky shoes :P and today the blisters still a bit hurt.
If it wasn't because of the shoes then perhaps I am actually pretty and I better get use to it lol!
Anyway, here are some pictures from weekend events:
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
And so, I think I should do some pampering for myself, like cutting and coloring my already outrageously long dull hair for example. I suppose a little pampering could boost my mood a bit preparing for Saturday and Sunday event at Plaza Senayan.
Aarrggghhh, just show me the money ha!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I'd like to write something about fabrication of happiness, soon okay, soon...
speaking of happiness in the meantime, I'd like to show you a hell of a happy couple, yay and cheers!
I'd also like to share some so unimportant gossips lol!
I just found out that:
- It feels sooooo damn good to love someone and be loved in return
- Just got back from Bandung for an event last Saturday and stayed at the Aston, of course started the morning gorging out the buffet breakfast (thank goodness for that, coz afterwards it was mayhem! A real mayhem with the pre-school kids learning origami.) The food was just okay, nothing extraordinary delicious or something, but I found out that my favorite breakfast is definitely strawberry yoghurt with some crunchy cornflakes, sprinkled with raisins and dried fruit yummmm... mega slurpy!
- I wish I have a car! Went to dinner with boss and some colleaques on Friday night at The Valley - Bandung, it was my first time there, I know... telat banget! The place was wonderful! And I really wish I have my own car so I can go with Pete and have a romantic candle lit dinner there *teary eyes*
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Just another turning point
My manager got let go by the company, last Thursday was his last day. I suppose this should be my time to let the boss know who's actually more capable for the position heheh, nah... am just kidding! Anyways, fingers crossed looking forward to what's going to happen next, hopefully there'd be good chances for my career or... perhaps I should be thinking to get my lazy ass to keep sending those applications, dunno... People say not to wait for the opportunity to come to you, that we should create our own chances *sigh... if only I could be more aggressive*
So, what to do... what should I do next?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Jadi sabtu kemarin pas lagi ngobrol-ngobrol sama Pete tentang strategi selanjutnya buat go public HS, ternyata temen gw di Esquire
Karena Pete dan temennya itu udah lama banget ga ketemuan, reaksinya lucu banget! Komen pertama *dan terus menerus disebutin* itu:
Lando: "As... tagaaa... *ngeliat dari ujung rambut sampe kaki* elo gendut banget sekarang, Pete..."
Pete: *cengengesan mau ngambek ga bisa* "Anjing... *bla bla bla kenalin tentang HS*"
(beberapa menit kemudian)
Pete: "Jadi ... *bla bla bla tentang deal kerjasama* "
Lando: "Ok gini deh, *bla bla bla* as... tagaa... *geleng-geleng kepala, liat dari atas kepala sama kaki* gw masih ga percaya deh sekarang elo begini,"
*Lando nengok ke gw* : "Elo percaya ga sih Tess dulu dia ga begini?"
Tess *cekikikan*: "Iya tau kok gw..."
Dan begitu seterusnya sampe mau pulang juga masih "As... tagaaa..."
ahuahuahua.... Lando, Lando, makasih yah gw jadi ada bahan buat godain Pete!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
There has been some rants going on in the office and there's nothing I can do about it besides wait and see. I don't like the feeling of not having control of the situation and not knowing what's going to happen especially when it comes to my job.
So, meet "Babi *=piggy* the second" >>>>
I'm taking her to the office today to brighten up my mood with her little cute pink nose, ears, hands, feet and ribbon. Isn't she super cute??
Quoting from Pete: "I refuse to be taken down" philosophy, yes, I'm taking a stand not to let anything or anyone even myself ruining my activity.
I choose to create my own happiness, by bringing "Babi the second" to work for example, and now I can have my own cheerleader cheering me up, yay!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I Have An American Dream
I had a dream last night of a surprise birthday party arranged by a reality show, I’m pretty sure it happened somewhere in America.
The story went like this, so I lived in some kind of slump or somewhere alike among its small alleys and packed inhabitants with my middle lower family. The weather was really bad that day, the sky went all black with heavy heavy cloud, and I didn’t hope much for my birthday.
Then suddenly, I think it was the host of Home Extreme Makeover, what’s that guy’s name anyway, Ty Pennington! Yes, it was Ty himself with the whole neighborhood come barge into my small front yard, all bubbly and in celebration mood saying that they’d prepared everything we needed to celebrate my birthday party. And so after it everybody and I seemed to enjoy the in house surprise party though the weather was still in its darkest mood.
My thought to this dream is does American Dream really exist?
Is it real that it’s considered as the land of opportunities?
with all the reality shows and seeing Oprah giving hands to the needy,
with my friend telling me that he and some friends are having their own business by loan and that they could earn the money they owed in just a few months?
How about Chris Gardner’s “pursuit of happyness” as I quote from his website
“that a hunger for learning, hard work, and never giving up on the people who make you truly "wealthy," can break destructive cycles and propel anyone to unlimited heights - no matter who they are, where they come from, or what their circumstances may be.”
Does achieving this dream thingy coming from our own willingness to keep pursuing our goals or is it just simply, again, things are easier in America?
If it is true then could I be a part of most people’s dream, to reach my American Dream as well...