Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thinking ‘bout forever

I believe in Archibald MacLeish when he talked about

the “late, last wisdom of the afternoon” that:

“Love, like light, grows dearer towards the dark.”

Last Saturday, hung with two of my best-est friends since junior high – Dyan and Heny, it had been a while since we could go out together since one of us went to Beijing for school, occupied with work, and all.

Anyhow, while we were catching up stories, turned out that marriage issues inevitably appeared *well, as if you don’t know how girls like when they’re together, lol*

Heny seemed to be preparing to buy a house with her boyfriend in installments. *think they are preparing to get married in the next two years*

While Dyan on the other hand, was still single and aware that despite of her loneliness, she had been struggling with her own specified criteria of a perfect boyfriend in which I personally think: *girl, there’s no such thing as perfect boyfriend!* wake up, Hun!!

You just gotta take what live has to offer.

When I told them bout the wedding preparation course for couples which started every six months, Heny was quite excited before Dyan informed that one of her friends had doubted her decision to get married and her relationship with the boyfriend during the course *that would be fun to find out, wouldn’t it, Pete? *winks*

You know, sometimes the things happened in your life seem to connect with one another in a very bizarre way. Like the last few days, was it just me who kept thinking bout forever or somehow, just somehow, life had guided me to this phase *hmmm… I’m getting the sense that this is just my make believe, lol*

I lost my birth certificate and the thought that I have to go through all the red tape procedure is killing me :D

Not to mention the money that I would have to spend for smoothing the whole process.

Now, how in the world can I get married without a birth certificate *and a groom*? LOL

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a quick update

*feeling a bit excited waiting for my article to be published* =)

It's late afternoon after office hour and I'm still behind my computer,
not likely going home yet.

Just dropping by to write these valuable insights:

1. I shall not let people mess with my emotion
2. Aware that I also have weaknesses that people had to put up with

Been wanting to start writing another article but nothing pops up in mind yet.
So, later...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Haiyah... having a relationship is so hard to maintain *aarrrgghh*
I've tried my best to understand my partner and bare his downers but sometimes it is just so damn hard to do *guling2, mencak2, robek2 kertas kerjaan, lempar gelas kopi, acak2 rambut - aarrrggghh..*

Can I just have a break from all of this and stop trying too hard to comprehend everything?

Can I?

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Hayo bener ga cewe itu jago multitasking?

Ini diriku nulis blog sambil edit teks produk info,
sambil buat speech buat grand opening, sambil sesekali angkat telpon lagi atur tiket, sambing chat YM, sambil nyanyi "The Scientist" nya Coldplay, sambil... *halah, kebelet pipis dulu sebentar*

Kemarin parah, lagi down banget gitu, masih cape plus kurang istirahat dari Senin launching sampe jam11 malem. Apalagi denger nanti malem sampe Sabtu kudu tugas pula ke Bali. Yang membahagiakan cuma tau launching kemaren sukses abisss, yang dateng 100org lebih, sales buku malem itu 14juta bo, gilaa..

Pertamanya ga excited pergi, malah kemaren nangis-nangis *duh belakangan ini nangis-nangis mulu stres kerja* tapi ternyata udah mau berangkat gini excited juga he he.

Norak, norak deh... namanya belom pernah ke Bali, sekalinya dibayarin ke sana ternyata kudu sambil kerja.
Haiyah... complaining mulu emang kerjaannya.

Trus belakangan ini kan emosinya labil, tadi bahas sama Peter dari mana asalnya stres gw.

Basically sih kerjaan ini emang gw suka banget, but perhaps lately aja lagi worned out. Jadinya pas Peter bilang terkadang ada orang yang kalo kerja berusaha tampil heroic - biasanya pemula - penuh idealisme - berusaha buat pembaharuan and all; ternyata at the end of the day sia-sia - malah jatohnya kita jadi 'babu' gitu - jadi mikir gw...

Moso seh?

Padahal gw kerja sebaik mungkin karena emang pengin terlihat excel, kalo ga gimana bisa keliatan beda, gimana gw bisa dapet kepercayaan yang lebih lagi?

But then again, I said to him that gw lakuin ini for the sake of dapetin jabatan yang lebih tinggi, duit yang lebih gede *hey, what a girl to do hari gini gitu lho...* which by now gw baru sadar kalo ternyata idealisme gw dah menyimpang.

Bo, udah jadi komersil gitu gw... jadi robot dunia materialisme *brengsek*

Makanya, ini lagi update lagi filosofi dalam bekerja which apa ya... lol
hmmm... ya pokoknya kerja yang bener tapi bukan duit orientasinya tapi personal satisfaction, nah lho, personal satisfaction itu sendiri apa ya? he he cape deh...

All I know is that harusnya sih sekarang gw berada di the right track for my career. Jangan jadi babu ya, baiklah... diusahakan...
