Tuesday, October 25, 2005
*My Favorite Prayers*
God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoyig one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to Your will. So that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
(Not really) Clueless
Had a conversation today with one of my best friends about women being smarter and earning more money than men nowadays. I know, it's the same old boring stuff that not many consider as essential to talk about anymore. But somehow it's still a big issue here in
I told my friend about a guy who considers that his wife should be less beautiful, less smart, earn less money than he is. Come on..! What's that all about I said to my friend. And what do you know he said that it's sadly true. He himself would prefer his future wife to have such features. Man... that's so not cool to think of women as subordinate to male. He argued that women earning more money may have no respects towards their spouses. Duh...! Moreover he said, guys would not want people to think that their are less powerful having that their spouses make better earnings.
That's just the trouble living in such a patriarchal environment. Firstly, I consider the society as the strongest cause. The guys just couldn't bare the thought about what people may think and say if they as the head of the family earned less money (less powerful) then their spouses. Secondly, it's basically just male egos which do not like being at the same level as women. I must say that we have been pampered since kids to this gender way of thinking that girls should play with dolls and boys with trucks; girls are sappy and boys are strong. The mind-set somehow constitute how a woman and a man should feel, view, and act towards the opposite according to the norms made-up by the society.
It is at one side is hard to change our patriarchal way of thinking that has been embedded to this society since many years before, however, things have changed and I think this freaks the guys out and the patriarchal society in general. They are just not used to the fact that women can actually be as smart and as strong in character as male. Even if the guys have been already aware of the fact, Indonesian men just are not ready and strong enough to take a stand opposed the society. Then, what to do?
I say the hell with what people think; it’s your happiness that counts!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Really, there’s not much to say than I’m so darn sleepy…
I couldn’t help from being cranky everytime I’m lack of sleep and rest. Had a nice weekend but have not got much time to enjoy myself. Spent Saturday morning at the office to get some things done. After it, went to have a hair masker at the salon at the afternoon. And I had to go back to the office on Sunday morning to get some picture files. Then went straight to attend church activity until
Friday, October 14, 2005
Well, well, what d'ya know...
It's weekend already.
What to do, what to do?
Going to the movies? Is there any good movies this weekend?
Speaking of movies, my favorite movie of all time is definitely Forrest Gump. I've watched the movie for about 5 times now and yet never had enough of it. I really like the part when Forrest lost his wife and he kept running for two years until he felt better. I can totally relate with how human sometimes try to endure their sadness by "running away" or in real life perhaps "keeping ourselves busy." Another favorite is What Dream May Come, hmm... all I can say bout the movie is just fantastic! Great fantasy, very touching love story on a very deep relationship between the husband and wife. Have you watched them?
Now, those are only two of my many favorite movies. Speak more about them later. I’m all set to go. Anybody wanna treat this time? :)
Have a great weekend everyone.
(Btw, who is that girl in the picture? he he, what a narcist)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Robert Frost's Mending Wall
The Numbness of Human Communication
What will ever happen if people ceased to care about one another; that one’s problem is one’s business and not the others? What will happen if people neglected what is going on to their surroundings and start to take thing as it is? A great lack of communication between people may occur. People will mind their own businesses and carry on with their lives without the thought of others’ well being.
Robert Frost in one of his famous poems Mending Wall also wants to uphold the theme of individuality; that there has been a lack of communication between people. It happens as a result of people’s ignorance toward one another. The ignorance occurs as an effect of the boundaries that people put between each other, as if one is more dominant than the other. Consequently, a restraining in one’s freedom of thought may arise.
Human’s communication is not always easy. The lack of communication among people happens because there have always been boundaries which is not only been made by oneself but also affected by the society. For instance, there are people who are self-restraint. They are the kind of people who like to keep their privacy in lives. They do communicate to others, however, there is always a notable barrier that they put between themselves and others. As is there are some limitations to where others can explore from the people who are reserved, especially upon their attitudes, ideology, and territories.
Furthermore, the great deficiency of interaction between people might occur also because of the society. The society’s general view upon certain matter often affects people. In another words, the society’s general view influences people’s reaction or frame of mind toward their environment.For example, in the nineteenth century, American society thought of slavery as something logic. The society at that time thinks of people who have black skin as only half-human. Therefore, slaves did not have the right of controlling their own lives. The example shows that there was a gap in communication between the white community with the blacks. The whites always consider themselves as higher than the blacks.
From Robert Frost's Mending Wall, humankind erects and maintains real and symbolic barriers to protect and defend opposing stances, beliefs and territories. The title itself Mending Wall seems to suggest something about the poem. The adjective "Mending" takes the gerund, which means it, is talking about the present. Perhaps this suggest that the task is continuos and always there. Also the fact that it is not called Mending The Wall or Mending A Wall suggests that it is not just one wall, but it can be any wall anywhere. The title gives a very universal meaning.
The two neighbors in this poem seem to be building the wall initially about territory, but if we look deeper into it, it seems to be more about marking boundaries to stop arguments. It is shown in one of the neighbors’ only statement "Good fences make good neighbors." Both neighbors do not share the same ideology about the building of the wall. It seems as though they must repeat this task every springtime, but whereas one neighbor does it through tradition and because he wants to, the other appears to be just going along with it “Oh, just another kind of outdoor game, / One on a side.” he does not seem to understand. As in, “It comes to little more: / There where it is we do not need the wall: / He is all pine and I am apple orchard. / My apple trees will never get across / And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.” Also in " Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder / If I could put a notion in his head: / Why do they make good neighbors? Isn’t it / Where there are cows? But here there are no cows."
The little communication between the two men appears in that the neighbor only seems to say one thing: "Good fences make good neighbors." The neighbor repeats this saying although he does not know whether the wall is necessary nor does he know whether it will make them a better neighbor. The same thing happens to people who make boundaries in their relationship with others. The only reason that people put up certain limitations in communicating with others is only because of tradition. Such as in the lines “He will not go behind his father's saying, / And he likes having thought of it so well / He says again, 'Good fences make good neighbors.' ”
What makes the fence building seem quite traditional is the reference the old things. The use of "old-stone savage armed" gives the idea of time passed, and yet still carrying on. The line where it mentions "his father's saying" suggests it is something that has been done for generations, and it is tradition. If people do something only in order to keep a tradition and not even bother why it has been that way, it may lead them to ignorance.
The neighbor's father did in the poem, reinforced and insured a lack of communication and, therefore, ignorance in the next generation. The neighbor is a perfect example of the product of these barriers, he does not truly know why the wall must be there but he never questions his father's words and understands that the wall is really keeping him and his neighbor from having a better friendship. The lines describe the neighbor "like an old-stone savage armed. / He moves in darkness as it seems to me." This darkness is the ignorance that people display as they mend the “fence” between themselves with the others.
The lack of mutual communication between people makes one being quite dominant over the other. As in the poem, the gap in balance communication among the two neighbors causes one neighbor to be more authoritative over the other. The line "I let my neighbor know beyond a hill;" shows how one feels reluctant to tell his thought toward someone who already set up some “walls”. The way he lets his neighbor know shows that he wants to do the right thing by informing him, yet if he does not really agree with the building of the wall, he would not bother to inform him.
Another thing that suggests the agreement in the poem is the way "beyond a hill" is used. It suggests boundaries and being far apart from one another; they do not seem to have good communications. There is also another reference to the boundary idea is where it says, "We keep the wall between us as we go." It seems to suggest that they are working together, but trying to keep each other apart as they do so, and so creating a boundary.
The reinforcement of ignorance should be stopped. In order to have a mutual communication; one should have the courage to break down the barriers set up by humankind. These barriers are what keep people from questioning or even contemplating things that happen in every day life. These barriers are often subconsciously put up and strengthened by society and may control one's thought. These techniques may be used by governments and other institutions to insure that someone does not know "too much" or uncover certain conspiracies. Further control of one’s thought should be prevented and people must help themselves so that human can eventually attain freedom of thought.
Robert Frost’s Mending Wall represents what is also happening in human communication. Whether people realize it or not, the barrier being put up causes individuality. It is also restraining others freedom of thought, a process that has gone on and become reinforced over a long period of time. Boundaries between human communication should not really be there, despite the fact that they exist all around. Things should be free, rather than fenced in by walls, physical or otherwise.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I Dream of Genie, naah…
I wish I had dreamed of genie instead of the bad dream I had last night. I was in a kind of dam and I could adjust the fast flowing water at will. It was an unpleasant dream because whenever I changed the water flow, say I made a wave, the water come back and showered me. Such an exhausting dream… and I really wish I’d dreamed of genie instead, who knows she could fulfill my wishes in having blissful dreams always (just kidding)
Do you believe that sometimes dreams can represent you innermost will, passion, or fear? I heard that a dream about big amount of water could represent a person’s anxiety (well, perhaps I subconsciously am feeling worried about something) Well, what do you think all you dream interpreters out there?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Romeo, oh Romeo...
where art thou?
11am @ the office -- yawning away... still feeling sleepy (lazy girl... smiling) trying to focus my mind on work but in a dreamy state of mind (I wonder how that works)
Anyway, I watched the Desperate Housewives last nite and at the end of the episode -- I forgot the name of the wife that shot herself and become the narrator -- she said that everybody is looking for love, some who had found it, wish they hadn't. Well, that's interesting because I think there are always paradoxes in life. I mean, I feel very blessed that I'm given the chance to experience love and to be loved, just sometimes things are not as easy as they seem. Oh, that's just the beauty of life... don't you just love life? -- ok, back to work now --
Some people may have different opinions or feelings towards butterflies and what they represent. Just as Morisot's Butterfly Hunt, some may think of them as nice, but some even have phobia of butterflies. Do share about anything you'd like to say about butterfly, especially on what do you think it represents....